Chapter Two

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Ugh." Elena groaned, her alarm waking her from her sleep, or more accurately, nap. Rolling over, the sun hit her eyes, having the brunette sit up, her eyes adjusting the to brightness. Turning off her alarm, she rubbed a hand over her eyes.

With another reluctant groan, she got up, pushing herself off the soft comfort of her bed. Memories came rushing back to her. She felt the soreness between her legs, the bite on her neck—although healed—still throbbing, her lips still swollen from the needy kisses, and the taste of his blood still on her tongue.

Pushing them all away, she head for the bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth, furiously trying to rid of the taste before hopping in the shower with boiling hot water, as if that would rid the feel of his hands on her body. She shivered under the hot water, scrubbing her skin with too much force, her skin turning red from her actions. A thought sneaker into her mind.

Despite the shower, she still felt Klaus all over her skin as she got out, leaving her to dry. Feeling too shitty, hungover and sore from last night, Elena decided to skip school, letting her have a day of rest. With her head swimming of Klaus, she had nearly forgotten Stefan.


Both sadness and anger washed over her, the emotions from last night dampened by her betrayal against everyone who had been affected by Klaus. Was she as bad as Katherine? She couldn't be, right? Sleeping with Damon was a mistake, one she had told him to never bring up. And finding herself in bed was Klaus was ... a distraction? A drunken temptation pushed too far by the sexual tension?

A distraction would be a good explanation, not to her friends if her secret ever got out, but to herself. After all, it had, it's still was distracting her from Stefan and the fear she felt as he almost turned her into the creature she never wanted to be. At least, Klaus and her went on the same page; keeping her human. Not for the same reasons, but at least he was content on letting her live a normal life.

Alaric knocked on her door, opening it when she hadn't answered. He found the brunette staring at the ceiling. "Hey, you okay?"

She broke from her reverie, facing the history teacher. "Yeah, just tired. How're you feeling?"

"Other than total crap, I'm okay. Physically." Ric answered. He hadn't mentioned the many times he woke up somewhere he hadn't remembered. He'd heard what the younger Salvatore had done, but the exhaust on Elena's face made him to think otherwise to ask. "You want to ride with me to school?"

"No, it's fine. I'm ditching anyways. After last night, I—" she paused, and Alaric's expression was enough for her to understand how much he knew. Her eyes flickered to the picture of her and Stefan, the one facing her from her nightstand. "I kind of need a day to just ... relax, I guess."

Alaric nodded, reaching for the doorknob. "I get it. Do you want anything before I go? With Jeremy leaving, and Stefan being a dick, you haven't really had the time to attend to your homework. You want me to talk to your other teachers?"

Grateful for him, she shook her head, a small smile curling her lips. "Ric, you don't have to. I'll be fine, don't worry."

"Okay, well," Alaric murmured, glancing at the teen once more. "Don't burn the house down. Call me if you need anything."

Elena nodded, waving him away. Alaric shook his head briefly before closing the door. He reminded himself Stefan had no humanity, although it didn't make him want to punch the vampire any less. Damon would have a hard time ripping Ric off his brother, if he hadn't already beat him to it.

For a few minutes, Elena wandered pointlessly around her room, looking for anything to do other than sulk and cry about the mess that is her life. She'd done far too much crying for tears to brim her eyes anymore. Once she realized there was nothing in her room to distract her from self pity, she head downstairs, missing Jeremy's loud morning routine.

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