Chapter Sixteen

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Elena puts the prenatal vitamins, ultrasound pictures, and three pamphlets in her purse. She leaves the doctor office and goes to her car she drives and someone smashes into her on the highway.

Elena is hurt and someone calls 911 the person who smashes into her drove away.

3 days later

Elena wakes up with Klaus, Stefan, Jenna, and Jeremy in her room while his family and her friends are outside. Klaus said, "You're awake."

The doctor comes in and said "I have news. Elena, you are fine and so are the babies."

Elena's eyes widen and she is just silent while everyone is looking at her.

The doctor said, "I'm sorry, did you not know?" Elena said, "I um did."

Stefan said, "Lena, I have to go. Sorry, it's important."

Elena said, "It's okay, save yourself." Stefan laughs at that comment.

Stefan walks out of Elena's hospital room. The doctor leaves the room.

Elena said, "Klaus, how long have I been in here?" Klaus said, "For three days."

Jenna and Jeremy left the room. Elena said, "Klaus, don't give me that face."

Klaus said, "What face?" Elena said, "I'm upset, and disappointed in your face."

Klaus laughs. Klaus stops laughing. Klaus said, "How long." Elena said, "Your mom told me, she tried to get rid of them. But they were stronger than that."

Klaus smiles and said, "What do you mean?" Elena said, "She said the babies were a threat too."

Klaus's phone dings, he grabs it out of his pocket and looks.

Klaus said, "I'll be back, love." Elena nods. Katherine and Elijah walk in after Klaus leaves.

Katherine said, "Are you okay?" Elena said, "Yeah, I am okay. Why?"

Katherine said, "Because, of what we talked about earlier?"

Elena smiles, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, Kat."

Elijah said, "So, how many weeks are you?"

Elena said, "Um, I don't know." Elijah said, "You could ask the doctor."

Elena nods. Elijah said, "I'm glad your better and I'm having nieces and nephews."

Elena smiles and said, "I can't believe I'm pregnant." Katherine said, "I mean, it'll be days where you forget and days you can't."

Elena said, "You guys are rotating arent you guys?"

They nod and leave the room. Rebekah and Kol walk in.

Rebekah said, "Lena! I can't wait to decorate their nursery and host the baby shower."

Elena laughs at this but also is kinda nervous she doesn't even have a crib or a plan.

Elena said, "Really, Bekah yk your brother is going to kill you if you even touch their nursery right?"

Rebekah shrugs. Rebekah said, "Lena, what are we going to do about my mother?"

Elena said, "I don't know I just want her far away from Mystic Falls."

Kol said, "Elena, so you and my big brother got down, huh?" Elena rolls her eyes and said, "Really, Kol? You had to say that?"

Kol nods and she laughs. Kol said, "But being serious, how do you feel?"

Elena said, "About what?" Kol said, "About being a mother." Elena said, "I don't know what to feel about being a mother."

Kol said, "You'll figure it out, Lena. After all us Mikaelsons are always resourceful."

Elena said, "You forgot one thing." Rebekah said, "And, what is that?"

Elena said, "I am not a Mikaelson."
Kol said, "Not according to Nik and my nephews."

Kol and Rebekah leave after a while. Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, and Matt.

Elena said, "Hey, Care. Listen I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Caroline said, "It's fine, you didn't even tell Klaus."

Caroline said, "I can't wait to be an aunt and for you to be a mother."

Elena smiles at her best friend. Then Bonnie speaks. Bonnie said, "Lena! I was so scared for you."

Elena said, "Well I'm fine, Bon Bon." Bonnie said, "So, are you okay after Klaus found out?"

Elena said, "Yeah, I was always going to tell him." Tyler said, "Lena, are you going to be okay?"

Elena said, "Yes, I will be, Ty never doubt that okay?" Tyler nods. Tyler said, "I'm going to miss you, Lena."

Elena said, "Why would you miss me?" Tyler said, "We both know you're going to leave Mystic Falls with or without Klaus by your side."

Elena said, "I would never leave without saying goodbye." Tyler smiles.

Matt said, "Don't say anything, Elena. Lena, I love you because you are one of my closest friends. I just wanna say, don't forget to take care of yourself and makes sure you'd what is right for you." Elena nods.

Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, and Caroline leave the room. Visiting hours have ended.

Elena at some time in the night codes. She has nurses rushing in her room. she eventually has to be in surgery.

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