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// Thought Louis needed a part in this :DDD


"AHAHAHAH THAT FATASS THINKS THOSE FILTERS ARE STILL COOL!" I told the rest of 1D. " Why does he look like a sausage?" Niall asked. "Also why is he that greasy?" Liam added trying not to laugh. "Not all the love to you, Naughty boy." Harry said with a cheeky smile on his face. "I'm quite not sure, lads. But as far as I know he looks like something out of Animal Planet." I said proudly because I made everyone laugh. "MASTER OF ALL WISDOM!" Niall shouted and started hailing me. "Niall you don't have to." I said laughing. 'EW WTF" I heard Harry saying. "HE LOOKS LIKE THIS?!!! HE LOOKS LIKE A FOOKING POTATOE THAT GOT SOAKED IN GREASE! HOW IS THIS HUMAN?! NO FOOKING WAY" I then fell to the floor laughing my arse off. "I CAN'T!" I said while wheezing. This walrus had it coming...

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