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"HOW DID YOU DO IT LIAM?! YOU'RE A GENIUS!" I said while smiling. " I think I went blind" Niall said rubbing his eyes. " Well... I some how got to Shahid's phone and got into his pictures, he had so many ugly pictures and just ugh I didn't want to see his junk, but he messed with the wrong people" Liam said. "How does Zayn even put up with that thing?! I would be dead if i saw those nudes and him all day." Harry added. "He has a small pe-" I started to say, but Niall interrupted me. "LALALAL SHUT UP" He said while covering his ears. "Naughty boy did a song called La La La." Liam said. "oh shit" Niall said. "I didn't even know he was in that song, i was only in it for Sam Smith"I said, plopping onto the couch. This day has been epic.

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