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The next day at school, I told jacob that I told my dad. Jacob was glad. But I told Jacob about my dads reaction and quickly, Jacobs glad face became into a sad face. I told him" Don't be sad things would work out between us." After school, my mom would usually pick me up from school but this time it was my neighbor. I asked my neighbor" where is my mom?" She heard me but didn't reply. I was worried. When we got home, I saw my mom with sunglasses and I didn't really pay attention to that. I was just happy she was ok but quickly by happiness went away as she took me inside and took of the sunglasses. Her eye was swollen with a purplish-blackish color. I asked her what happen there and she said" Sweety after you left school, your dad was furious and he didn't know what he was doing so this happen. With anger I said" Did he do this to you?!" I was so mad. When he got home from work, he acted as if nothing had happen between him and my mom. I went up to him and yelled at him and said" WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!" ARE YOU INSANE TO HIT MY MOM?!!" He lifted up is right arm and slapped me across my face. I yelled and said" DADDY NO!!! He slapped me multiple time when finally my mom came in and stopped him. She felt to the ground as my dad pushed her aside and left. I thought to myself" has he lost his mind?!" My mother confort me as I broke down in tears.

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