Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Lin Nuan was lying on the bed, all she could think about was the look in Pei Xu's eyes outside the banquet hall that day: cold, alienated, and full of disgust.

    Lin Nuan felt that she must be crazy, because she was upset by Pei Xu's eyes. But that look was the same as in her previous life, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

    She felt that she must be hopeless, so she raised her hand and patted her head vigorously, as if by doing so, she could continue to save her.

    The phone rang at this moment, and Lin Nuan glanced at it, only to see Pei Shan's name jumping on the phone screen.

    Lin Nuan picked up the phone: "Hello."

    "Sister Lin Nuan." Pei Shan said on the other end of the phone, "It's me. I'm officially going to work in your company today."

    "Really? That's good." Lin Nuan took Looking at the phone, looking at the LED crystal chandelier overhead.

    "My grandma heard about this and wants you to come to my house for dinner. When are you free?" Pei Shan asked on the phone.

    "I..." Lin Nuan just wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered that Grandma Pei came to find her that day. She didn't want to disappoint Grandma Pei again, so she said to Pei Shan on the phone: "Pei Shan, wait for me in a few days." I'll go to your house when I'm free."

    "That's good." Pei Shan replied, "Then let me know when you're free."

    "Yes." Lin Nuan responded, and then hung up the phone. She put down her phone, and continued to stare at the crystal chandelier above her head in a daze.

    She actually had class today, but she really didn't have the mind to go to class, so she just lay down all the time. After hanging up the phone with Pei Shan, her heart seemed to be even more confused.

    She turned over, trying to calm down her heart as soon as possible, but it didn't seem to work. She glanced at her phone again, only to see that the time on it had pointed to 9:58.     Lin Nuan suddenly felt hungry. She hadn't eaten since she woke up in the morning. Although her heart is in a mess, people are like iron and steel, and she will feel hungry if she doesn't eat a meal. Lin Nuan quickly sat up from the bed. She was about to get out of bed when she suddenly remembered the dishes that Grandma Pei cooked that day.

    The mouthful of fragrance seemed to be still lingering in her taste buds, and she suddenly wanted to eat the dishes cooked by Grandma Pei. Although she and Pei Shan had agreed to go to her house for dinner in a few days when she was free, but she happened to be free today, so it should be okay for her to visit Grandma Pei, right?

    Thinking of this, Lin Nuan quickly got out of bed and changed her clothes.

    Lin Nuan carried two large boxes of high-end supplements from the supermarket, and pushed open the paint-peeled wooden door of Pei Xu's house.

    Grandma Pei was eating in the house, when Lin Nuan walked in and called, "Grandma."

    "Nuan Nuan?" Grandma Pei was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

    "I'll come and see you." Lin Nuan said, He brought the two boxes of supplements bought for Grandma Pei to her. "This is the tonic I bought for you, remember to take it when you have time."

    Grandma Pei looked at her, "Look at you, you're here, why don't you buy anything?"

    Lin Nuan smiled and greeted her at this time He watched her sit down: "Sit down first, I'll get you a glass of water." Grandma Pei said.

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