Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

    Lin Nuan's mind was blank, and her whole body was in a state of confusion: What's going on here? Pei Xu is so nice, why did he come forward and hug him? Still hugging so tightly?

    Where did he make a mistake? Or out of your mind?

    Lin Nuan really wanted to ask Pei Xu, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't.

    Pei Xu hugged Lin Nuan tightly, as if trying to use up all his strength.

    The uneasiness and fear in his heart are dissipating, but he still has lingering fears. He couldn't imagine, if the person who was hit just now was her, what would happen to him now?

    He didn't understand at first why he was so nervous? But at this moment, he understood everything.

    Because he cares about her.

    He cares about her smile, the starlight in her eyes, everything about her.

    That's why he ran to save her when the blizzard came, regardless of his own safety...

    When he saw her standing with He Yan, he felt so glaring.

    Because he cares.

    Care about everything about her, care about everything about her.

    That's why he was so afraid and uneasy just now. He even felt for a second that his soul had been forcefully taken away, leaving only a shell.

    He didn't know when Lin Nuan walked into his heart? Maybe it was the first time I saw the starlight in her eyes, maybe it was the moment when I saw her shielding herself from a knife.

    But that's not important anymore. What's important is that she is in his arms now, fine, and nothing happened.

    Lin Nuan didn't know how long she had been hugged by Pei Xu, but amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, she saw white snowflakes continuously falling, landing on her and Pei Xu's shoulders and heads...

    Finally, she couldn't help crying One sentence: "Pei Xu."

    Under the dim light, Pei Xu finally came to his senses. He let go of his hand and looked at Lin Nuan.

    Lin Nuan also looked at him, seeing his reflection in his dark eyes.

    Pei Xu called out at this moment: "Nuan Nuan, I have something to tell you." He looked at Lin Nuan and said.

    Lin Nuan didn't know what Pei Xu was going to tell her, but at that moment, she saw a certain kind of determination in Pei Xu's eyes.

    She nodded in a daze, like a puppet being pulled by a string, she had no thoughts of her own at that moment.

    She followed Pei Xu and walked towards the other side of the road. The two walked one behind the other, neither of them spoke.

    Pei Xu didn't stop until there were no more noisy crowds around. His heart was actually in a mess, but he didn't want to hide his feelings.

    He turned around and looked at Lin Nuan, "Nuan Nuan."

    Lin Nuan didn't speak, just looked at him.

    Pei Xu's lips moved slightly, and he didn't know how to express his feelings to Lin Nuan for a while, so he could only look at her and say, "I resigned, and from now on, I will no longer work for Xu Kangbo is working."

    "Oh." Lin Nuan nodded and responded. She really didn't know why Pei Xu told her these things? Is it just because of what she said to him in the bar that day?

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