Chapter 6

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Yuji frowned. "what are you doing here".

Tenjou father..... Is Yuji younger brother." I came here to say that you have turned my son into the biggest criminal".

Yuji was shocked to hear that. "why and how... It's not my fault you were a bad father. I told you so many times to keep cautious over your son.... After all you are just like dad.... Dad never cared about us".

Tenjou dad shouted. "that's why you turned out like a terrorist".

Yuji banged his fist on the table. " No you are mistaken.... I am a terrorist because Dad was a bad person... I hated bad people.... It was you who turned out like dad... That's why Tenjou turned out like a psycho..... After all you got Dad genes".

Tenjou dad. "You and Tenjou are exactly the same bad people".

Yuji shouted and lost his cool. "Yes you are right Akio... Tenjou and me are the same because we both had fathers who didn't care..... Remember Akio you told me you were not happy seeing Tenjou skinny.... You wanted to abort him.... I said no because it's just the genes in the family..... I was skinny too Akio...remember... But now look I'm a huge old mad with muscles.... And look at you... You a week guy with a fat stomach who's weak".

Akio who's Tenjou father spoke. "No I am-".

Yuji. "No brother.... I don't want to hear it. You and your wife are in the wrong... You neglect Tenjou for him to die. Why did you even make a child...... Tenjou I a bad guy because you never knew his pain that I had".

It was a awkward silence until it was broken again." you know what Akio I will take Tenjou and raise him as my own son".

Akio said. "no you can't".

Yuji interjected. "why?.... Tell me why".

Akio looked sad. "He's in jail for the nest 5 years".

Yuji looked shocked. He was so angry. He don't know what to so. It's Shiro cause.... It's his territory safety and now Tenjou.

Yuji. "where is he...?..... TELL ME WHERE IS HE!?!"

Akio replied. "he's at the Milliner police station".

Yuji spoke. "You see Akio if you were just a beter father and had a better wife that's not a bitch then Tenjou wouldn't be a killer and in jail....... I'm going there. Security take him away".

The security of the Hayashi terrorists took Akio Tenjou father away. Yuji need to go to the police station and find Tenjou.

Yuji went in has fancy rich car and drove to. That place. It took 30 minutes and now he's entering the police station. Walking inside the Captain was there.

"excuse me sir... You can just barge in here.... Hey you look familiar". Yuji stood there still waiting for an answer. "oh sir you can to the right place... You look just like Tenjou.... You may come in".

Yuji hummed. " I guess you know me.... I am the head od the Hayashi Terrorists group".
The police officer the Captain looked scared.
"is Tenjou related to you... No wonder he's sucj a psycho path".

Yuji smiled because The whole police station nwas scared of you. "Take me to him".

The walked past the ordinary cells. The went to the top floor the specialised cells for  criminals who are mad.

Yuji saw Tenjou sitting in his cell. It's been a day that he's in jail now. " Tenjou your uncle is here".

Tenjou stood up and walked to him the the glass window that was huge a door. "Uncle Yuji.... I missed you.... Take me out of here".

Yuji smiled sadly. "I'm sorry Temjou but I can't.... You need help... You need to learn how to control your anger.... If you are out of jail you will kill people again".

Tejou frowned with a smile. "oh really Uncle Yuji... I don't kill....i only kill. Those who bully me who skinny I am".

Yuji spoke."Tenjou you are in jail for 5 years  I give you 5 years to work on your anger your a psycho... You need to rest".

Tenjou got anger and lost his temper again. "No you fucking asshole... If I don't go out of the cell my anger will be bottled up and I will destroy everything in here.!!".

Tenjou was so angry he punch the shatterproof glass with another crack.he kicked the door. And started screaming. " No one wil FUCKING know my pain..... Even Yuji is like my dad.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA".

the captain spoke. "Yuji... I placed Tenjou here instead of a normal cell because I'm sure he can bend metal bars... So it's specialized and he's mom and dad were wrong too.. So he get special attention".

Yuji smiled."Good officer you were smart there... Good. I need you to give the food to Tenjou three times a day... Beans and milk will make him strong".

The captain looked confused. "why are you here anyways"

Yuji smiled. " you see... He's my Nephew.... I consider him my son.... Once he's 5 years of jail is done.... He will be working for me... Remember my terrorist is legalized by government.... So Tenjou can kill the bad people for me".

The Captain eyes looked fearful. Because The Hayashi Terrorists is already strong and psycho.... Imagine if Tenjou must work for them. Yuji will be unstoppable and untouched. I mean They will be powerful.

Yuji left with signing documents off. The Captain had the most respect for these two guys. Yuji and Tenjou are people you don't wanna fuck with.

Yuji a old man with a beard middle aged. Is a mad man he would go any lengths to kill you. That's why he made Terrorists group.
Yuji And Akio ( Tenjou dad) was a bad person because of his illed treatment Akio turned out like a father who neglected his son.... Yuji is a good guy.

Tenjou a 16 year old boy. Who was exactly like his Uncle Yuji. Was known as the scariest boy in the city.

Tenjou school heard about him. They seen him killing. Tenjou friends as well.. Tenjou is all over the news. Yuji as well. He announced in the next 5 years Tenjou will. Be working for him.

That means the whole country will have criminals who will be scared of the Hayashi Terrorist group where Tenjou will work for Yuji.


I hope you like the action in this
Love you guys


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