Chapter 14

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OMFG.... there were so many mistakes.
Well I fixed it.... So stfu.

Thank you all for reading this book it's going be a hell of a story let's  begin


I woke up this morning to see I was in my clothes luckily it was comfy and sporty.
I put on my shoes and brushed my hair.
I went to the cafeteria exhausted for some reason. I ate normal porridge and a apple with some berry juice.

Riku came by me by my surprise. "Morning Riku". He looked at me and sighed. "Morning".

As dry as he is I smiled. "geez Riku you don't look very well... Haven't you slept lately". He got angry and sprayed it instead of saying it. "I had only 2hrs of sleep watching your chubby ass whole night".

I felt my smiled dropped. "oh well.... Hah..i didn't mean to, you shouldn't get so worked up. You still young you need sleep to grow".

He glared at me. "go tell your dearest Uncle".

"anyways Riku I'm.. I'm g-going".
I felt a coil formed up in my thought. My breathing hitched. I wanted to cry but... I didn't once I went to my bedroom or Uncle Yuji's room.

Riku POV:

I noticed something is wrong just after I joked about her chubbines she turned stoic and went away. What did I do wrong.
I just said chubby.... Could've said fat ass.

I sighed and went to check on her before she does anything thing crazy. I saw the door was slightly open. I heard her conversation to herself.

"Y/N... Look at you even after being so kind and respectful everyone treats me like shit... Even Riku makes fun of me....its getting serious.... I don't know what to do".
She spoke to herself.  So she's Insecure and ashamed of her body.      Why?

I heard a thud that's when she plopped herself on the bed. "Well... IL probably wait for Mr. Yuji to come here and go home".

I felt bad for her now. Now I'm guilty. Until Keith came."Oh hey Riku....been awhile... I guess Mr. Yuji keeping you busy".

Now Y/N ganna think I was spying. "Keith morning..... But go away please... I don't have time for your fairy stories".

Keith came by me arm over my shoulder.
"come on man even if I'm 22 you're like my baby brother.... At least listen to one of my stories".

I interjected. "No... Now go I'm on my job protecting the girl".

Keith got cocky. "oh really... Since you getting big ignoring my stories that mean you eyeing  Mr. Yuji niece".

I shouted pushing him away. "No Keith. I'm on guard it was a instruction a order from Mr. Yuji".

Keith was hitting my head I tried getting out his grip is strong. I got away by falling into the room with Keith in front of Y/N."Get off me You dumbass".

We got up and I spoke. "Keith go do your job you always ruined everything for me...get out shit head!!!! ". He walked out disspointed.

Y/N replied softly "don't  you think you hard on him".

"Harsh? He deserves that he's 22 and he acts like a child. By the way he's use to getting degraded".

She hummed and it was a awkward silence. I saw her chubby cheeks flushed deep red.
"Riku.... Were you spying on me". He felt nervous.

"Yes... No I mean no... I saw something wasn't right after I mentioned chubby ass... So I came her to check on you".

She looked at me then down again like she's defeated. "I'm sorry about making fun of your size and weight all the time it's just I've never had a chubby friend before. I just like your chubbines that's all... So why do i stop myself mention you chubby".

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