Part 12

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Someone was waking you up, It was Brahms. He was calling you gently and pokes you. " y/n " He repeats.
You rubbed your eyes before you open them. Then you sit up, Brahms guide you. You then looked around, That's weird. I don't remember i slept in Brahms room. Trying to recall what happened last night...

" You fall asleep on the table "
He says, Looking at him shocked.
Covering your face due to embarrassment. You heard him chuckled by your reaction.
You then remembered what happened last night on the kitchen.
Moving your fingers too peeked at Brahms who's smiling at you.

" did i really? " He nods,
You were embarrassed....Why did i fall asleep oh my gosh....

" We're going to a hospital " Clearing his throat as he speak.

" Right now? " He shock his head.

" After you eat and change ".
Nodding at him in response.

" Breakfast is ready too "

" Okay, I'll be there " He nods and went downstairs to wait for you. After changing you went downstairs and meet Brahms who's fixing himself.

After eating -

Time skip -

Brahms and you are now inside a taxi. " ( Address ) Hospital " Brahms said to the driver.
The taxi starts to drive.
The taxi has now arrived at the hospital Brahms mentioned.

Him paying it, " C'mon ". Nodding and following him as he holds your hand when you guys entered the hospital.

- Skip -

Brahms knocks at Dr. Miller's door, And entered.

" Hello Brahms long time no see "
She says, Reaching a hand for him.

" Hello Miller " Brahms shaking hands with her.

" What could i help you with? "
She let go and gestures both of you to sit down.

" Ultrasound " He replies, His tone were calm but nervous.
Miller's brows raise at disbelief.

" Invite me " She spokes.
Your cheeks got Bright red when she asks for advance. Covering your mouth as you smile.

" Ms. y/n " She called you, Wearing her gloves and taps the bed for you to lay down. Walking towards her and laying down.
She lifted your shirt and put a cold liquid on your stomach.
Brahms came closer and holds your hand, Caressing it.
She then opened the machine and pressed the scanner lighty.
Moving it as she looks at the image of the machine shows.

Not a while she spoke,
" Youre Pregnant congratulations " She greets you as she stopped scanning your stomach and saved the image and the Infos.
Tears filling your eyes as you heard the news. Brahms squeezed your hand about the news. He cried in Joy and hugged you.

" Youre gonna be a dad! " You say proudly. " Yeah! ", Miller laughs at both of you.
" Congrats for the two of you "
" Thank you " Both of you thanked her, She hands the image and other Infos at you. Brahms snatched it and looked at it. He then looked at you with a smiling face.


Heck nah it's midnight i have school tomorrow- Goodnight y'all i hope you enjoyed it🎉🎉🎉 Thank you all for 421 Views!! I swear y'all gonna give me a mini heart attack whenever the views got many all of sudden. Thank you all again 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Brahms X female reader ( Completed and edited )Where stories live. Discover now