Evening Ritual

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POV: Kora
When she arrived at the small plateau, Qui was already waiting. He had untied his hair, which he usually wore in a single braid. It was a bit windy and pretty chill, so she wondered why he was waiting outside. She went over to him and sat down beside him.
"Hey.", she spoke with a soft and sleepy voice, after a long day. "Hey, Rara." He just now looked at her, but she knew that he has noticed her the moment she arrived. Kora was about to ask, if Qui knew if and when Aidan would come, but before she could even open her mouth, he said: "Rere is on his way." She nodded and decided to ask: „Why are you waiting outside? And how in all flames name are you not freezing?" He didn't say anything; He just turned to look at her again, with, what seemed to her, a light grin.
"Let's go inside now." "Did the wind finally get to you?" And again that look. Kora didn't know anyone else who could do that. This silence that tells you everything, without really telling you anything.
POV: Aidan
He arrived right when Kora and Qui were about to go inside.
"Perfect timing.", was the greeting he got from her, but what else to expect, she was his twin after all. Qui simply gave him a smile and opened the door to let them inside. The tiled stove was already emitting heat, which made it comfortably warm inside. He took off his jacket and shoes as well as the other two did. He noticed how thin Qui's coat was and questioned himself how he wasn't freezing outside. Kora then continued to rake the fire, Qui readied the pillows and blankets and Aidan went to get the box with the hairbrushes and took the teapot with him on the way back. They made themselves comfortable in the oriel. Aidan sat behind Kora, untied her hair and started brushing it out. Qui poured some tea in each of their cups and gave Kora hers. Aidan got stuck on a knot in her hair and redirected his attention to that. When he looked back up, Qui was holding a first-aid-kit in his hand. That caught him off guard, but he had to smile.
POV: Kora
She had closed her eyes when Aidan started brushing her hair and felt as her entire body relaxed. When a mug was placed in her hand, she just absentmindedly drank it. She then felt a light touch on her forearm. When she opened her eyes she realised, that Qui was taking care of some cuts, she got earlier that day. Surprisingly it didn't hurt when he touched them. Aidan continued to detangle her hair and she started to drift off into the dream world.
She felt herself lean into Qui, in front of her. She allowed herself to fall asleep, feeling save and warm.
POV: Aidan
After he finished brushing her hair, Qui carefully laid her down and covered her with one of the blankets. Qui handed him his tea, sat behind him and undid the braid, which Aidan's hair was in. Aidan felt his body loosening up. "You know... I'm grateful I met you, Qui." He took a sip of his tea, feeling it warm him up from the inside. Qui let his fingers slide through Aidan's hair, carefully detangling it. He then switched over to a comb and started humming a melody. 'That's unusual...', Aidan thought to himself; But he was unable to think about it anymore, as he felt his thoughts slipping away from him.
POV: Gasira
She arrived at the small mountain hut.
She didn't know why she came, but she could tell that someone was inside, from the dim light that was shining through the curtains. She knocked a small rhythm, opened the door and went inside. It was warm, so she took off her patchwork-coat and boots and entered the main room.
She saw Aidan and Kora lying in the oriel, covered with blankets. Qui was stoking the fire with wood; One, two logs. "Rara would be happy, to wake up with you by her side." He knew people far too well. "It's creepy, how you just say what a person wants or thinks. Like... How do you know?" He gave her a smile, but he didn't answer her question. "The warmth should be enough to last till dawn." He had gotten up and handed her a cup of warm tea.
Gasira and Qui made themselves comfortable in some cushions beside the fireplace. She drank her tea, while Qui brushed his hair out. They sat in a peaceful silence. She enjoyed the moment. She could hear the fire crackling, the wind blowing against the windows, the sound the brush made when Qui dragged it through his hair and their breathing.
She looked at her wife. Could see how she was breathing. She looked at her face, with the scar across the eye. Gasira wanted to hug her, cuddle her and fall asleep with Kora in her arms.
She had finished her tea, so Qui took the cup from her hand. He collected the other mugs and went to the small kitchen to rinse them. She moved over to the oriel and laid herself down next to Kora, wrapping her arms around her. She had already closed her eyes, but she could hear how Qui was putting on his coat and shoes.
"Sweet dreams." Then the door opening and closing.

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