Teaching a lesson

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DISCLAIMER: smut, hate language, swearing, only 18+

You are a 22 year old on internship in Ferrari's garage, a literal dream. Just a few students get this chance and you were one of lucky ones. You adore the team like forever and the drivers, especially today's handsome drivers. You are always having a eye-contact with younger Ferrari driver, Charles Leclerc. A HUGE crush of yours since you saw him, but you are just a no one in that garage and more important he is TAKEN.

But it got pretty strange in last few race's, after every race he comes to someone near you, it wasn't important if his girlfriend was there or not, he will always somehow get where he can look at you and to be honest you weren't mad about it. You could watch him every day, every minute...It's not like you talked to each other, you were just looking at each other, you would give him a little smile from time to time, sometimes you would get one back, but it was so strange... Sometimes you just thought you had something on your face.

It was Barcelona. There everything changed. It was a nice race, everything looked perfect for Leclerc. He was leading by 10 seconds, it looked like a comfy afternoon for him. Until you heard „ I'm losing power! NO,NO, NO, I have no power guys!!"

Everyone jumped up, searching for a problem, trying to help, but the engine overheated, there was nothing to do... Leclerc came back to the garage, greeting everyone and trying not to be mad about it, until the cameras were off. He stared screaming at his manager, the racing director, literally at everyone. You just wanted to take the seat next to the main engineer as you were off to get some documents but then you came and saw Leclerc fighting and explaining what exactly went wrong. They were speaking on Italian you couldn't understand the word of what they were speaking, but Charles at that state scared you a bit. You came really close but without enough courage to take a seat because in that case you would have pushed Leclerc a bit. Until the engineer looked at you all scared and shocked a bit. In that moment Charles turned around and looked you in the eyes, which were sad and disappointed  by how he was talking to all of them. You couldn't understand what he was saying to him but it didn't sound right.

As he was looking in your eyes his fluffed eyebrows came back down, looking at you as if you were scared he would do something. Then he spoke, for the first time ever he was saying something to you, apart from introducing himself at the beginning of the season.

„I am not being a dick to Angelo, don't worry. I'm just angry with the guys back there that's the reason of my tone, you don't have to be scared." he said, now with a relaxing tone and a light smile on his face.

„I am not scared, I was just confused why would you be yelling at the person how build you the car to even fight for the win." you spat back. You were confident of your abilities and you would not let any men think that you were scared of them even if that was the case.

He raises his eyebrows „ Oh, good response. I wasn't expecting a internship girl to come up with something like that to me."

Angelo stays out of your conversation not wanting to bring anymore stuff in, he was tired but proud of your response. He liked you very much and your work.

To him? Oh Leclerc had an ego, like a house. Him and his girlfriend were the same.

„To you? Well just telling the truth, isn't that so?" now you have the courage to push him a bit to take your seat back and hand Angelo the documents he asked for.

You see by his expression that your answers on which he wasn't ready at all pissed him off. You see it by him clenching his jaw and staring at your eyes.

Until he makes an answer „ I see you like talking to me, so why don't we get a tour around the garage?"

He wants to take you for a tour? You saw everything here. „I have some work to do and besides I think I know this garage better then you", you give him a smile, „And I think Angelo needs my help."

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