Chapter 6

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,, I can't live without him ... I can't ... I need him ,,
I look at him, his head on my knees hug him, my tears flow from my cheeks and fall on his face, I scream from helplessness, I feel weak and worthless, emotions overwhelm, it becomes hard to breathe, as if someone closed the access to oxygen
,, I can't live without him, he is my whole world, I love him ... ,,
A: '' no! No! You can't leave me like that, you can't !!! '' - I scream, cry, try to bring him to his senses, but it does not work, I do not squeeze the wound with my hand, he is bleeding all over, people are watching  on us, but I don't care, I only pray for one thing, that he survived, I don't need anything else, I bend over to his face and my forehead touches his forehead
A: '' don't leave me ... I need you ... ''
People call an ambulance, and I lean towards him a little more and try to listen to his breathing, it is weak, but it is there, it gives me hope
A: '' Hold on my love, I'm near ''
They took him to the operating room, and they told me to wait, with every second it becomes impossible to wait, with every second my particle begins to die, minutes go by like years, and with every second I lose the meaning of life, my legs tremble, my hands get cold, my whole body weakens and  I almost fall, I lean against the wall so as not to fall, I want to sit on a chair, but I understand if I take a step I will fall, I stand there for 5 hours, but the doctors still haven't come out
,, God save him, I don't need anything else ,,
Doctor: '' Are you all right, girl? ''
A: '' Tell me how is he?  Is he alive? ''
I try to take a step and the doctor catches me
Doctor: '' girl go home, you are not able to stand on your feet ''
He helps me to sit on a chair, and I look at him with supplication in my eyes.
A: '' is he alive? ''
Doctor: '' The wound is deep, it damaged internal organs, he lost a lot of blood, we did everything we could, we hope that he will soon wake up ''
A: '' can I see him? ''
Doctor: '' I don't think ''
A: '' I ask you, I can't do this anymore, I need to see him ''
He nodded and helped me up.  He broke off the door and I saw him, he was lying and there were many devices around him that support his life.  I sat down next to him, I want to scream and sob, but I can't even say a word, only tears are rolling from my cheeks without stopping, his face is pale, his hands are cold, and his eyes are closed
A: '' I love you Christina very much, please don't leave me, you still have to live, because without you your light will stop burning, I need you ''
A: '' Don't leave me, please don't leave me alone, '' I said, and tears involuntarily flowed from my eyes onto his hand
A: '' I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid to live without you '' - I said sobbing
I take his hand in mine and kiss him, my lips touch his cold skin, and tears fall on his hand, I try to warm him with my warmth. I hold his hand and start to fall asleep. I hear some steps and wake up, this is a nurse checking his condition.
,, my dear, open your eyes, please,,
A: '' when will he open his eyes? '' - I ask through tears
Nurse: '' Only the doctor can tell, he will come soon, but for now I will change his IV drip ''
I went out to go to the toilet and wash my face.  Suddenly I hear a scream, I quickly run out and go to Christina, the doctors are standing around him and doing something, I look at a woman standing and crying, my heart begins to beat faster and air starts to run out in my lungs
A:" What's going on?''
Doctor: '' I'm sorry he ... ''
A: '' Don't you dare say it !!! '' - I scream and choke on my own tears
I run up to his bed where he lies, and begin to beat his chest with my fists
A: "" You promised! Don't leave me! "
Doctor: '' girl, don't need ''
A: '' don't touch me!  He's alive, I know!  I can feel it!''
I hit his chest several more times, it becomes more and more difficult to breathe, his head begins to spin, and it darkens in his eyes, but I continue to beat him in the chest, and I see that the devices began to show the work of his heart, he opened his eyes and began to greedily swallow air
Doctor: '' It can't be!  It's a miracle! ''
I fell to my knees and covered my face with my hands, the doctors approached him and began to check, in my eyes it began to darken and my consciousness left me
With difficulty I open my eyes, I see Ana falling and the doctors hold her, I want to get up, push them all away and hug my little light, they started to check something, and I watch my little light, the doctor took her in his arms and went out, I want to get up and hit him  , she is my woman, no one dares to hold her in his arms except me.  The doctors tell my mother that the heart and pulse are in a stable state and all other indicators as well.
Mom: '' Christian!  You are alive!''
K: '' Yes ​​mom, what about Ana?  Why did this doctor leave with her ?! ''
Mom: '' Calm down, you need rest ''
K: '' Mom tell me where is Anastasia ?!  What happened to her ?!  Was she injured too? '' - at the last word, my voice began to tremble, I understand that if something happened to her, then I never ask myself and I will not live without her, she is my life, she is my everything, she is my air, without her  I can't live even a minute
Mom: '' no, she saved your life ''
K: '' what? ''
Mom: '' The doctors said that there's nothing to help you and your heart stopped, but she began to fight for your life and brought you back to life ''
My little light brought me back, she saved my life the first time I saw her, and this is the second time she didn't let me die
K: '' Mom, my heart cannot beat away from her, she is my heart, but what happened to her why did she fall?
Mom: ''nurse told me she was here all night, this is because of worries and lack of sleep, everything will be fine with her, she is a strong and beautiful woman ''
K: '' Mom, I didn't have time to say that I love her ''
Mom: '' You still have a lot of time to confess your love to her, many times ''
Mom hugged me and went out to find out what was wrong with my Ana, I wait, I try to get up, but it doesn't work, the body is too weak and does not obey me, I try to do something but it doesn't work and I fall asleep.  I open my eyes and see the tear-stained face of my little flame
K: '' my light ''
A: '' My Christian! ''
She hugged me and began to cry and gasp for breath, I hug her to me and understand that without this woman I cannot live even for a few seconds
A: '' I won't let you go anymore! '' - she said quietly and crying in my chest
K: ''shhhh ... I'm here by my side, my light, and I will always be there ''
A: '' 'Christian, I'm just afraid of losing you, the few minutes that I thought I'd lost you, they made me understand that without you my life has no meaning' '
K: '' I love you, my little light, my heart will beat where you and your love are, I will live as long as you and our love live, '' I whispered in her ear

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