Vlog part 2

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I pulled out my camera and started recording, I looked into the camera with a straight face and said

"We're at the mall."

"What kind of fucking intro is that" Nick said laughing

"Whatt? Do you want me to be like "hey guys welcome back to the vlog today I'm at the mall with my cute little friends" I said looking back at Nick

"Never fucking say that again" said Chris laughing

"My bad" I said laughing back

"What store should we go to?" I said asking the boys

"Nike" Matt said

"Alright, I wanted to get some new shoes anyway" I said walking towards Nike

Once we were in Nike I was looking around for some shoes I wanted to get for winter, I just decided to get some new airforces. Matt just decided to get some socks and Nick and Chris didn't wanna get anything.

I showed the vlog what my shoes looked like
"I just got air forces, basic I know but that's fine. I think I should paint them but that would be something to do in the summer, what store do you guys wanna go to next?" I said looking at them.

"That one" said Chris pointing to a store, it was cute. Small probably just started off since I didn't see it last time I was here. I could tell from the window it had sunglasses, pins and pretty much just random shit.

"Sure let's go" I said grabbing my bag and walking to the store. Once we got in Chris went straight for the sunglasses and started trying on every pair "Y/N do I look good in these?" Said Chris with bright yellow sunglasses on

"You look great" I said pointing the camera at him. Nick and Matt were at the back off the store looking at some t-shirts "this one's cute" said Nick holding the shirt up to his body "yeah that's super cute you should get it" I said walking up to them and looking at the T-shirts I found a really cute t-shirt it was a washed out pink with a quote thats says "everything happens for a reason" I thought it was cute since Nick has the same quote tattooed on him, I decided to get it. Matt and Chris didn't get anything from the store but Nick got a ring.

"Guys I'm tired I wanna go home" I said yawning "yeah that's cool we can drive you home if you want" says Matt walking beside me, I just smiled at nodded "this was a great day thanks for coming with me today guys" I said

"Of course Y/N you're our best friend of course we would go with you" said nick wrapping his arm around me.

My best friends. 

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