Road Trip pt3

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     "I don't get it" I said sobbing in Nicks arms "how can someone be so mean" I added.  I was shaking, wasn't able to control my breathing. "Y/N you need to breath, in... out." Nick said breathing with me. "You're going to be ok" he added, rubbing my back.

This was our second day in San Diego, and we made new plans to go to the beach and go to the mall and get some gifts back at home. The sounds of my alarm woke me up with the sounds of the birds chirping, the sun moved past the curtains and into my eyes. I turned over to see Nick on his phone beside me "good morning" I said. "Good morning" Nick replied, peeling his eyes away from his phone and to Me.

I sat up from where I was laying, patting my hair down so it will look less crazy then usual. "How was your sleep" I said getting off the bed and moving to the dresser "pretty good, it would be better in my bed back at home" he said with a laugh.

"I think Laura is making breakfast for us" he said getting out of bed while I grab clothes for the day. Nick walked out of the room so I could chance.

I walked out of my room to see everyone sitting of the bar stools in the kitchen while Laura was taking the bacon out of the oven. "Good morning" I said to everyone. "Morning" everyone said back. I took a seat beside Matt while Laura was plating everyone food. 

"So what's the plan for today" Chris asks rubbing his hands together in front of him, getting ready to eat. "I was thinking we could go to the beach and swim after breakfast and later today the triplets have an interview with a company" she said back to everyone. She handed us all of our plates. It had eggs, toast bacon and has browns on it.

Me and nick were in our bathroom getting ready to go to the beach "should I shower now or should I shower when we get back from the beach?" I said to Nick looking in to me suit case trying to figure out what swim suit I want to wear. "Probably when we get back from the beach, your gonna have sand all over you"  good thinking I said grabbing a swimsuit and walking back into the washroom.

"Ok shoo" I said moving my hand directing Nick to get out of the washroom so I could change. Nick walked out of the washroom and closed the door behind him. I took off my clothes and changed into my swimsuit.

⬆️ that's your swimsuit

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⬆️ that's your swimsuit. I wanted to do a one piece because some people aren't comfortable being in a two piece. (Me lol) anyways back to the story

I walked out of the bathroom with my pyjamas in hand "you look nice" Nick said "thank you" I replied back. I set my dirty clothes down and dig through my drawers to look for a coverup. I ended up finding the cover-up at the bottom of my drawers, and laid it over my shoulders.

"I think Matt and Chris already left" Nick said looking out of our window. "Oh ok should we get going then" I said closing the drawers. "Yeah let's go". I ended up putting my hair in a low ponytail and I could just put it up in a bun when I decide to go in the water. Good think I decided to wear flip flops because the path down to the beach was a little rocky. Once we got down the path we could see Laura having up an umbrella and her chair. Madi helping her. We could also see Matt and Chris throwing a football around.

I walked up to Laura and Madi while Nick went to go see his brothers. "You look great Y/N" Laura said with a smile on her face "yeah you really do" Madi added. "Awe thanks you guys do to" I replied back. "Let's go in the water" Madi said grabbing my hand and running to the water. I laughed when we hit the water "oh my god it's so cold" I said wrapping my hands around my body. "It's not that cold" she said laughing. "Boo!" Matt yelled grabbing my shoulders, I screamed, "Matt don't ever do that again" I said hitting his shoulder. We were about waist deep while Laura was back on the beach tanning.

I looked behind me seeing a big wave coming for us "oh shit" I said looking at the wave. All of their heads turned to look at the wave "run!" Chris said running towards the beach. We all laughed while laughing, soon enough the wave caught us pushing all of us under the water, we all came up from the water with wet messy hair. "That was.." I started " hilarious" Chris finished. I walked back to the beach to tan with Laura. She opened her eyes to see me with messy hair and dripping wet. "Jeez what happened to you" she said laughing "a wave got us" I said putting on my sunglasses and sitting beside her.

We stayed at the beach for 2 more hours, everyone lest with a nice tan, and everyone having a towel wrapped around him, while me and Laura were tanning the boys came running to us and grabbed our hands "no I was tanning" I said "you've tanned enough" Nick replied. Laura was just laughing while we were getting pulled to the water.  The boys get go of our hands when we were about thigh high in, Laura kept moving into the water while I stayed where I was.

"Come on" Matt said "no it's cold" I said. Matt started walking towards me and picked me up "no Matt what are you doing, put me down" I said. Once we got far enough he let go and threw me in the water. Once I reached the top on the water I screamed "what the fuck" "sorry" Matt said laughing.

Once we got back to the house Laura said that we only had a few hours before the boys had their interview. Meaning we could get ready and go get some food too. I showered quickly showered and changed. I decided just to put on a sweater and legging because I wanted to be comfortable and I'll just be watching the triplets answer questions.

The boys out on sweaters and jeans while Madi and Laura were wearing t-shirt. "Alright guys let's go get some food" Laura said grabbing her keys from the counter. We all walked out the door and ran into the car.

•  •  •  •

The triplets were about to start the interview and me, Laura and Madi were sitting in chairs behind the cameras. The triplets were putting in stools and behind them was a white background. "Alright you guys ready" the camera man asked" they all nodded their head.  " I'm Ali Mills and welcome back to MII to day we are here with" Ali said "the Sturniolo triplets" Nick answered "we are so happy to have you guys here, please introduce yourselves" she replied "I'm Chris" "I'm Matt" "I'm Nick" they all answered "that's great, we just have some questions for you." She started.

"First question how does it feel to blow up so much on YouTube in just such little time." She asked "we never really thought we would blow up so quickly, we started YouTube for fun, but it really does feel amazing that we blew up and how we have such an amazing fans and amazing friends and family who support what we do" Chris replied

"Question two, your friends uh Y/N I think it is, she's bigger then other girls. How do you deal with having someone bigger always being in your life" she said. My eyes widen, tears driving to the surface. Laura but and hand on my back. I got off out of the chair and stormed out of the building, not wanted to hear what they had to say.

I got in the car, resting my head on the seat. Tears falling down my cheeks, all I was thinking about what how many people were going to hear what she said. My weight has always been my biggest insecurity, I've lost tons of weight and I was just getting into being happy about my body. Why did she have to say that.

I must've feel asleep because I woke up to the sound of the car door opening and everyone getting in the car "I'm sorry you had to hear that Y/N I don't what the fuck is wrong with her" Nick said "yeah whatever I just wanna go home" I replied.  The rest of the drive was quiet. Once we got to the house I got out of the car as fast as I could and went in the house, walking to my room. Tears spilling out of my eyes. I flopped on my bed and cried into my pillow. I heard the door open and close again, I felt the bed drip.

I turned my head to see Nick "come here" he said with open arms. Tears were becoming uncontrollable as I hugged Nick back. "I don't get it" I said sobbing in Nicks arms "how can someone be so mean" I added.  I was shaking, wasn't able to control my breathing. "Y/N you need to breath, in... out." Nick said breathing with me. "You're going to be ok" he added, rubbing my back.

"Im so sorry she said that"

Bruh this was so long for me.
Btw this is just an imagine y'all are so beautiful.
I'm watching cobra Kai rn and I'm about to start s4

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