Chapter 8

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Outside the house

Peter and hela Sat down

Peter told her everything

All the things he had been through and all the things he had scene

Hela:do you think of beating them up or even hurting them so bad that they never hurt you

Peter:no....not even once....but now that I see them with there stupid action I don't think I can go easy on them

Hela:you better not..they always hurt you...humiliated you....done far worse but now be what they want you to be a real fighter

Peter:your right....even if I try to save them they still hurt me


Hela pulled him in for a kiss and pulled him close to the grass as they made love

At new yorK

Carlie:that's not Peter

Mj:What...that's impossible who else is that

Carlie:Peter died that's someone else or something else

Mj:I don't know Who else could it be

Carlie:not Peter

With spider man

Spider man walked in a bar with only villains

Many were silent

What was he doing here

Spider man sat and grabbed boomerangs drink


Spider man:just stared at him

Boomerang:you know I'll just buy another one

Spider man drank from it

Many villains pulled out there weapons

Electro:you are dead!......OTTO KILLED YOU

Spider man lifted his hand aimed it at him

Electro:your webs arnt gonna do anything
Then he pressed and a sword came out Killing him

Everyone freaked out and saw how things went sound

Hearing screams

Hela was looking at his work

He was doing it....she needed him and his work was helping her

She couldn't tell Peter was she really needed souls for....she was In disguise

Half of her body was destroyed

Half of her body was destroyed

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Turned horrible

If Peter found out he would leave her

Yet she had feeling for him

What will he tell him

The seeing Peter come out cleaning his hands with a rag and walking out

Hela went and saw the dead body and felt the souls screaming

She then collected them and went to see how spider man began working

Spider man saw many text from Carlie and Mj wanting to see him but he ignored

But aunt May texted her saying she needs him


Peter was helping May at home

May:you been quite

Peter:Well just been working a lot and hearing a lot of negativity

May:sorry to hear that Peter but your a strong boy you can overcome anything

At the streets

The streets were empty

No other villain came out

Scared about the man in darkness

Not even wind appeared

At avengers tower

The avengers were looking and wondered where had spider man gone too

With Peter

Peter had been receiving lots of messages

May:wow someone's popular

Peter:sorry I been in a lot of work

May:oh dear you shouldn't have come here the

Peter:well I need to help you out may

May:oh your so sweet

Peter hugged may

Hela saw his from the outside and saw how cute it was

How beautiful the relationship was

And Peter was there

How amazing things are with him


Peter made it home and saw hela sitting on a throne and hela with fenris

Hela:Peter love

Peter went to her

Hela:can I get I hug

Peter looked at and without questioning hugged her

Hela was held tight and felt the warm feeling from Peter body

Hela:Thank you

Hela held him tight

Hela:tell me about those creature

Peter have a long explanation about what has happened in spider verse and more about the center of web of life


Peter:yea but I feel like I'm being followed always being if the devil just want me to keep suffering

Hela:Well we don't want that

Hela and Peter cuddled

With May

May was walking when Carlie came

Carlie:May I need to talk to you

May:what are you doing here

Carlie:why so mean

May:someone told me you been hurting Peter even after he has been helping you

Carlie:it doesn't matter

May:yes it does he helped you and you just hurt him

Carlie;that not what happened

May;maybe your the bad girlfriend

Carlie:hey he keep a secret

May:so...everyone keeps protect the ones we love

Carlie:why are you making it hard

May:just go away

Carlie was shocked at her response

Later May meet with Peter at her apartment where they meet dinner

May:oh Peter your so sweet

Peter:well we gotta stick together

May:aww...say thanks for telling me about Carlie

Heather:not a problem mrs Parker

May:just call me May

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