We are One

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It turns out Omari was more of a wilderman than I and quickly took over. So much for being the leader. But I do not mind, if he's figuring out how to get us to the water and where we will camp at night then he can't focus on any sinister plans for my demise. Or maybe he's leading me right into a trap...

"Focus." I mumble to myself, remember the riddle. I replay the words in my head:

With every drip and every drop

The water leads to a secret spot.

If you dare, if you nothing to lose,

Follow the water, find the clues.

Before I thought that the riddle was just to help me get out of the cell but that didn't make sense because I never found any clues at the end of the little stream that went down the grate I jumped into. That could only mean that I hadn't reached the secret spot the riddle hinted at. Could "The Water" that Omari mentioned be the water in the riddle? Part of me doesn't care what the riddle means because I'd rather just figure out how to get home to safety, but a deep part of me feels like I have to find these clues because they might lead to the Key that Ezra was talking about, and if I have the Key then whatever evil boss that was looking for it would not, that has to be good right? Or it could lead to me getting even more tied up into this mess. Well if we happen to be going in the right direction and I find some type of clue then that was fate and I'd follow it. If we get to the water and I can not find anything then I'd let it rest. With that decision made I felt some satisfaction that I had at least solved one of my many problems. One down, a million to go, the thought makes me snort.

"Hmmm?" Omari glanced over his shoulder at me with questioning eyes. This makes me roll my eyes, yet another problem to solve. We'd only been walking for about 30 minutes based on my watch but I was already tired of this man. I could tell that he was trying to win over my trust by being nice, smiling, finding snacks in the forest and giving me his second flashlight but all of it felt empty because he still had not told me what his plans were. Was his sister even real, was he playing me or was he really just a victim of the wrong place at the wrong time? Having not yet decided what his real motives are, I continue to keep to myself.

I scrunch my nose and scowl at him instead of answering, he shrugs and turns back around. Do not ask me why, but him giving up so easily pisses me off even more. I stop in my tracks, quickly bend over and scoop up a seed the size of an acorn and with all my strength throw it at the back of his head. Without realizing it, I tap into the powers that have been coming and going, throwing the seed with an incredible amount of strength. When the seed makes contact with Omari's head I can hear the sound from about 10 feet away, the impact is enough to make him yell in pain as opposed to the sigh of annoyance that I was aiming for. He quickly whips around and closes the 10 feet between us and grabs both of my wrists. I quickly remember that I'm alone with a very large and strong man. Now it's his turn to scowl at me.

"What the fuck was that for?" He snarls, I'm not quick to answer because of how shocked I am. Omari moved really fast when closing the distance between us, I mean super speed fast and his grip was hard as iron, abnormally strong. Instead of answering him I ask my own question.

"Can people have powers?" I ask almost in a trance. I was finally taking the time to unpack all the bizarre things I'd done and dreamed about. I'd ignored them thinking that maybe I was going crazy or maybe I was in a dream but the bloody cloth covering the wound on my hand was proof that this was no dream. And the strength at which I threw the seed at Omari's head wasn't some little trick. Something was going on, and based on how strangely fast and strong Omari was, he knew something that I did not. I focus back on Omari's face and there's a shift in his eyes, he sighs and loosens his grip.

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