Light and Water

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Hello 44 followers! Sorry for taking so long to update, I'm currently completing my pre surgery bucket list and was unable to sit down and write. So good new after I get my ACL reconstructed ill be able to write more! Bad news, well umm surgery sucks. Any whoooo, things get interesting in this chapter and I really hope you like it! Happy reading!


P.S. Please help me out, it's hard editing your own work so if something seems wired or their's a grammar mistake or anything let me know!


Tears come to my eyes as I realized there is a way out, I have a chance. All I had to do was follow the water that before was a nuisance but is now my savior. Slowly the euphoria from the discovery fades as reality sets in. What are these clues and is this even real? Or did a prisoner like me lose their mind and start etching nonsense into the walls?

But then again, what did I have to lose? If this was a joke and the water leads no where, it really wouldn't mater. But if the water did lead somewhere, it would be a stepping stone towards freedom. The only problem was I didn't know where the water was, where the source of the drip came from and from the echo that the water made, it could be anywhere in the vast dungeon I was trapped in.

The next time they delivered my meal of stale bread and bitter water, I'd investigate. I wouldn't waste my time begging them to release my, I'd look around the room and find the water, find my freedom.

The man with the sad eyes popped into my head. I didn't know where he fit into the equation, it was almost as if he's been trying to help me but that made no sense.

"They're coming, run!"

"Find your answers in your dreams."

"I know you don't I?"


Thinking too hard about it caused my headache to return. I couldn't trust anyone here, no matter what, end of discussion.

Slowly I made my way back to wall I came from, exhaustion making every step that much harder. Slumping against my wall I allow myself to fall back into the world of dreams.


            Voices, I hear voices on the other side of the wall. Slowly as if possessed, I make my way towards the whispering.

"What should we do with it?" I barely make out through the paper thin wall of the hotel.

"Burn it, make sure no one knows what it was and that no one can trace it back to us." My heart rate picks up as I realize I've heard something that I shouldn't have, but I can't for the life of me, stop listening.

"What about the people that have seen us with it?" The first voice that spoke asks, his voice has an almost whinny quality that after awhile would grate your nerves.

There's silence after that question, and I quietly make my way to the conjoining doors. Being as silent as a mouse, I unlock my door and open it, carefully pressing my ear to their door. I wait for the answer to the question and ponder if I'd missed it, maybe they've moved deeper into their room. Pulling back from the door, I turn around and push my hand through my hair, they're probably just being overly dramatic. I chuckle to myself, burn it I think with a roll of my eyes. Just as I'm turning to close my door, there's opens.

"It seems we have an audience."

I spin around and my eyes lock with two eyes so sinister, and evil yet so beautiful. The hairs on the back of my neck immediately rises and a shudder runs down my spine. The man takes a step into my room and instantly power radiates off of him, pushing against me causing me to stumble back. His eyes, one black and one a cold blue, drain the life out of me as they take me in. A menacing smile appears on his face as he continues to step closer and that invisible wall of power continues to push me back until I'm backed against the wall, cornered with nowhere to escape. He steps even closer and it feels like I wall is pressing against. He's so close that his minty breath stirs the hairs at my temple. Leaning down he whispers into my ear with a voice so deep, I can feel it vibrating in my bones.

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