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"GO AWAY AKI!" I screamed and only just because of a simple mishap. I may be underage but drinking should be normal for a demon prince like me right? I didn't mean to drink that much honestly, that also means my actions are not my fault. I 100% was not thinking straight. Must I also add vodka burns if you just down the whole bottle. 

Never mind.

I however should make it a note to myself to never ever *BEEP*. Besides, I'm currently by the nauseating exorcist training place still running away. I couldn't think where to run away while my girlfriend is fucking throwing knives at me so I sort of made my way to this dodgy building. 

"RIN YOU BITCH!" Akari screeched actually bursting my eardrums, while still throwing her weapons. "WHEN I GET YOU I SWEAR I WILL RIP YOU LIMB BY LIMB, FUCKING HELL!"


Oh right, I was so caught up with the devil disguised in an angels body I totally forgot about my older brother Samael who was chasing the both of us. However, by the time I heard him shout that it was too late. Me and Aki barged in the classroom, with very few students, and started wreaking havoc. I was in defence and she was in attack. It honestly just kept going back and forth until the clown got so furious he just couldn't hold back. 


Yup that one hurt. Due to all the monstrosity of pink smoke the poor measly, little students were so bewildered. But I shot a little smirk when I noticed they were clearly in fear of their headmaster, because I guess they never really see him at work. 

"Rin Agares Adrammelech and Akari Dhondt Caelius you are in so very much trouble. If you don't want to be sent back home to both your parents I advise you to behave." 

Yeah right. He's known both of us for so many decades so he really should know a threat like that by now is useless. Now, as much as my lover was mad at me we really had to escape from his wrath, so with only one option in mind we shall now commence Escape Plan 22698. 

Quickly, I grab my grenade and throw it right at the wall on the left side of the chalkboard while Aki vanishes in the smoke. I would've used my blue flames inherited from father but these exwires would make my life harder. I then personally take up my time to do a little wave and smirk to Samael just to infuriate him more as I had already noticed the tick marks on his forehead or should I say bald head?


After all the commotion caused me and Akari are currently in Mephy's office getting scolded, but honestly everything he says is just a blur. 

"...Lastly, you two are way too much for me, so I asked someone to help me based on Father's request. Which means Rin and Miss Caelius...AMAIMON WILL BE JOINING US!" he exclaims with that stupid, cringy wink of his. He's got a plan and I'm his test subject, again. You may be asking how I know, just call it brotherly instinct.

"Brother, wouldn't Amai help me with causing chaos? He is technically the reason why Father was practically always with me back home in the castle." I state gnawing on the lollipop I was given. However, all he does is just sighs and this bitch just walks outs and says "Have a good day!" 

What the actual fuck.

I then turn to Aki but the look on her face is just pure horror and disgust. I wonder what the joker said because I obviously wasn't listening.

"Hey Aki, number one I'm so very sorry for doing what I did earlier and second what the heck did my brother say?!"

She then turns to me and whines," Rinnnnnnnn. We're in shit. Samael is making us join the exorcist classes and my father agrees with it because you know whyyyyy..."

My face now probably looks just like hers and what's worse is I have to see that Yukio fucker. Honestly, I just can't like him specially because of him himself as a person and how he's related to me. If you're wondering how, my father somehow has a child with Yuri Egin, Yukio's mother and fucked my mother to have moi. Personally, I blame God for setting up father to do that stuff with a mere mortal and not realising what he done with the timelines. I wonder how she survived? Oh wait, she didn't. Unfortunately, Yukio survived and he was raised by Shiro Fujimoto in the monastery. My father killed him though but stupid Yukio wasn't home that day so that's why he's alive. Besides that previous chaos, the cram students start another lesson today due to an *cough* inter *cough* uption so I might as well join for fun. Akari however might need more convincing to join along.


Using the rusty infinity key Mephisto gave me, we both walk into the shitty classroom of humans. Totally what I need right now. 

"Ah, Mr Adrammelech and Miss Caelius I didn't know you were starting today..." Four eyes says with an eyebrow up.

"I just wanted to show up, or can I not? I'm certain your director of True Cross Academy  gave me free rein of what to do. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm also being forced to attend these stupid classes." I reply. 

I still am unsure who knows what. I'm think the only people who know my true identity in the Order is Samael and Arthur otherwise I'm fucked. Arthur is apparently the new paladin after Fujimoto but he's also something way greater and is sworn to keep my identity a secret by his father.

"Well then why are you two just standing there come sit in the front middle two seats." Four eyes sighs. 

What's wrong with everyone today and why does the day feel so fucking long? It's only 2PM. [author here! did you get the reference?]

"Okay students, I would like each of you to re-introduce yourself as this is a re-start of the disturbed lesson." Yukio blabs while giving me that look. Soon enough everyone has introduced themselves and it's only me and Akari left. 

"Okay everyone has introduced themselves now so it's just our two newest additions. Please introduce yourselves." Yukio sighs in exhaust. This makes Aki put her head up from the desk and slowly start to stand up. She really looks like she will murder everyone in the room. I know she can too. 

"My name is Akari Dhondt Caelius and I don't want to be here and I would rather be tortured to the brink of death. Or supposable death for my case?" She projects and the whole class is just giving her the look and they all seem weirded out. 

"No comment. Now Mr Adrammelech why don't you introduce yourself and thank you Miss Caelius for the effort..."

I slowly get up with my hands in my pocket and start to speak, "I also really don't wanna fucking be here but whatever. My names Rin and the rest of my name doesn't really matter oh and please don't fuck with me or annoy me otherwise you might be missing a lot of body parts after and I will defo be not to blame :)"

The classroom just goes silent and now I am even more pissed off for no apparent reason. I roll my eyes and walk out because I simply cannot with everyone anymore. It may seem weird but I was just waiting for the right moment to leave and now it is. As I was leaving I heard Okumura shouting at me to come back inside but I would be crazy to listen to him. Why can't this day be over? 

Finally, I made it to Samael's mansion and a servant greets me as I head towards my room. I feel bad for leaving Aki alone in the classroom but I need to be alone. I just want to get out of this place. It's suffocating. 

To Be Continued ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now