Of Course

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Narrator - Spike was just texting to Starlight about hanging out

Spike - Hey wanna hang out today?

Starlight - Sure

Spike - Meet me at the mall

Starlight - Okay Spike

Spike - See you later

Narrator - So Spike flew towards the mall to meet Starlight

Starlight - Hey Spike over here

Spike - Oh hey Starlight you look great

Starlight - Thanks Spike

Spike - No problem

Starlight - So you wanna talk?

Spike - About what?

Starlight - Why are we here?

Spike - Because I

Starlight - I what?

Spike - Never mind

Starlight - Oh no you are going to tell me

Spike - I forgot

Starlight - Is it about me?

Spike - Yeah

Starlight - Can you at least give me a hint?

Spike - Fine

Starlight - Alright Spike

Spike - Follow me

Narrator - Spike and Starlight exit the mall and went to the carnival behind the mall

Starlight - Is this the hint?

Spike - Hold on

Starlight - Let's ride on the Ferris wheel for the time being here

Spike - Sure

Starlight - What a view from here

Spike - Starlight cover your eyes

Starlight - Why?

Spike - Trust me

Narrator - Once Starlight open her eyes she notice that Spike is on his knee with a ring in his claws

Spike - Starlight I love you for so much

Starlight - Yes go on

Spike - Will you marry me?

Starlight - YES YES YES

Narrator - So Spike and Starlight kiss for five minutes until Ferris wheel lowered down

Starlight - That was the best surprise ever

Spike - Really

Starlight - You bet

Narrator - A few months later Spike and Starlight got married and went on a honeymoon

Spike - I can't believe it I'm married to a wonderful wife

Starlight - I can't believe it I'm married to a kind and honest husband

Spike - I love you sweetie

Starlight - I love you as well

Spike - (Kisses Starlight)

Starlight - (Kisses Spike)

Spike - So you want to get this party started?

Starlight - Oh yes I'm so ready

Spike - (Expose my big hard dick)

Starlight - Damn it so huge

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