How Are You Here?

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Starlight - Shit that was good fuck

Spike - I agree wanna fuck again?

Starlight - Sure I really need you to start my day

Spike - (Expose my big dick)

Starlight - (Suck on Spike's big dick)

Spike - Ohh

Starlight - (Suck on Spike's big dick rapidly)

Spike - (Puts my big dick into her ass)

Starlight - Ahhh

Spike - (Pounds Starlight's ass)

Starlight - Yes my good husband

Spike - (Pounds Starlight's ass rapidly)

Starlight - Fuck my delicious pussy

Spike - (Nibbles on Starlight's pussy)

Starlight - Ahhh

Spike - (Puts my big dick into Starlight's pussy)

Starlight - Let's finish this dear

Spike - (Rampage Starlight's pussy)

Starlight - Oh yes

Spike - (Rampage Starlight's pussy rapidly)

Starlight - Are you going to cum?

Spike - It is coming

Starlight - Let it happen

Spike - (Cums inside of Starlight)

Starlight - Quick facial just to have a great day

Spike - (Jacks off my dick until cum splatters into Starlight's face)

Starlight - Worth it

Spike - Make you look cute with my cum all over my face

Starlight - (Blushes red)

Narrator - Then suddenly they heard something

Rainbow Dash - You guys heard that

Rarity - Yeah

Applejack - It was probably nothing

Starlight - So let's investigate just to make sure

Narrator - The gang went to the forest to hear where it was coming from

Starlight - Anything?

Spike - No

Rarity - Nothing

Applejack - Everything here is pretty normal

Rainbow Dash - Um I found something

Human - Be quiet

Rainbow Dash - Huh?

Human - (Takes Rainbow Dash far from the gang)

Rainbow Dash - Where did you take me?

Human - Relax I'm friendly human

Rainbow Dash - How do I trust you

Human - (Expose my big dick to Rainbow Dash)

Rainbow Dash - You are definitely innocent

Human - I thought you were going to hurt me

Rainbow Dash - The only thing I'm hurting is that big dick of yours

Human - Please suck on my big dick

Rainbow Dash - (Suck on the human's big dick)

Human - Well good job

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