Chapter two- the ceremony

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It was about a hour after when i walked out of my room. My bad leg hurt but I put the boots back on touched up my lipstick making sure it I'll stay all night with a little spell. I walked into the big hall, ignoring the stabbing pain that shot through my leg with every step I took. There were Students on bot sides of the hall the ones called Evers on the left and the Nevers on the right so i sat down next to the other teachers who were all talking to each other. Ii placed myself next to professor anemone who was talking to a gnome with green hair but as i sat she turned around looking curious in my direction and started talking: „Okay I think  we haven't been introduced. I'm Emma Anemone and let me guess you're Lillian Laurier the only person at this school who had the nerve to ignore Professor Lesso?" „Yes i guess that's me." „Okay so I saw your timetable and you will teach Evers and Nevers at the same time how doe that work?" „They will attend the same lesson and I will differentiate by the performance they will show in my lessons." „But wow does that work they have to learn completely different skills!" „Well they wont need my lessons to fulfil their roll in a story its helpful to know things about the world of the readers." „yeah okay thats true." and that was when Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey stepped on the little stage that was on the opposite of the room so you could look directly at Lesso.

When i stopped out on the stage everyone was talking so i let Dovey start the talking which was very easy for her, she took a step to the front while giggling about something she said. She greeted the new students and started talking about how the school that won last year old start with a performance today. As soon as the boys of the school for good started their performance I was already bored and stared looking around the room searching for Laurier. When our eyes finally met, it was as if I drifted off into another world. She was the most beautiful and yet mysterious thing I had seen in my life so far and I had already seen many beings. The only thing that bothered me about Laurier was that she was not easy to read and she wanted to teach both schools at the same time. Suddenly, however, she turned away from me again when Anemone addressed her. I realised that I should concentrate on the show again, because Dovey was about to introduce Laurier. I interrupted her by saying: „As some of you probably have already noticed there is a new teacher at the school. She will Teach at both schools and i think she should introduce herself to you. Professor Laurier would you please join us?"

After the eyecontact with Lesso I was a bit out of this world but er Voice brought me back when she said that i should come to the front to introduce myself, I decided to apperate right next to her. As I popped out of the air right next to her, her expression was the best. „Hello everyone! I'm Professor Laurier and i will teach you the traditions of the readers. I think that's everything you need to know about me at the moment.", I said while looking around the stunned expressions of the students who were irritated by my entrance. Lesso looked at me for a little moment with an expression i couldn't really read but as I wanted to have a second look she was Already speaking again. When the ceremony was over and I walked back to my room because I needed to rest my foot, i suddenly felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me into a room. I realised it was Lesso when I was pressed against a wall, I let my walking stick drop to the ground because she came particularly close to me. Lesso whispered in a little angry toned voice: "How the hell did you just do that in the hall?" I pretended not to know what was going on and asked: "what do you mean dear?" she was clearly confused by that nickname i gave her in my last sentence but she didn't really show anything. „The thing you did when you just appeared right next to me." „Oh, yeah that. It's called apparating and it makes you appear wherever you want to. In my opinion the best way to travel.", I said like it wasn't something special. I could feel that the redhead wasn't amused by my answer but i didn't want to explain anything so I bend down to get my walking stick up pushing her away from me. She was to confused to do anything but watching me walking out of that room. I am not allowed to catch feelings for her, how should i become intimidating here when i fall for the dean of evil at the first day? That were my thoughts while i was continuing the way to my room, it was a bit hard to not just stay there and kiss her but i did it and as soon as i entered my room i stopped pretending that my walk was perfect. I was happy to take my boots of and went into the bathroom to take a little shower and change into my pyjamas. When i was done with that i grabbed my favourite book and started reading. After about one hour I locked my door with a spell and went to sleep early.

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