Chapter three- oh shit that is not good

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The next day I woke up before the sun could rise to get ready. I put on a black shirt with a also black tie and black suit pants. I put on my same-coloured floor-length coat, my red soled high heels and took my walking stick. Then I walked into my bathroom putting on red lipstick and doing my dark eye makeup the same I did yesterday, my hair fell down my back and walked out to get breakfast.
Even after what happened yesterday evening in my room, Laurier looked hot as hell when she walked down the hall in her black suit, her Waist long hair falling straight down her back and I asked myself how she can teach both schools. Looking like that the Evers will probably be scared of her thinking she's a never when Lillian is actually something completely different.
She sat down at the teachers table on my left Anemone to her right. I did not like the fact that she was bonding with her so good. They were talking like they were besties, but i wanted those emerald green eyes to look at me and only me. It was weird having these thoughts but i couldn't ignore it so I started talking to Dovey about some unimportant stuff we both didn't really wanted to do..
I was talking to Emma while I sensed Lessos gaze on my back, but i continued talking to her about the things she did before becoming beauty teacher and I told her a bit about my ideas of how to teach the students. Actually she was confused but also amazed by that idea. But when I grabbed my walking stick to get up I felt nails digging in my shoulder and when I turned around i looked in the ice-blue eyes of Lady Lesso, they were mesmerising and the most beautiful eyes i have ever looked at. So deep and unreadable but also easy to look in. I realised hat i was staring right into her eyes when her lips were forming a grin, then i was looking away really getting up to leave for my first class in this school. It was very easy to get there because i teach out in the gardens. All the students were sat at their table which was confusing considering there were Nevers among them. I greeted my students and asked them about the traditions they know and about wat they want to learn first, it was pretty easy for them to decide that they want to know about Halloween. So I explained it to them in the Hort term and one of them had the idea that we could plan a Halloween ball, just like the annual ever/never balls. Everyone thought that this was a good idea because that would mean one day no school. I said: „ Okay thats a really good idea and i will ask the deans if we can do that but first and foremost you need to learn why the readers have this tradition and then we can start planning the ball even though i already have some ideas you will be allowed to bring in your own ones. Considering this class is mixed the balls will also be for both schools together. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day, you can go now." As soon as everyone had left to their school i heard someone clapping „Wonderfully, Laurier, wonderfully. How do you keep them quiet like that? I mean even the Nevers were quiet.", i would have recognised this voice everywhere, it was Lesso. „What do you want from me? Clearly you didn't just came here to mock on me." „oh, honey don't be ridiculous why should I come down here if not for you?", she asked me what left me kinda confused but also I realised that i was attracted to that redhead who everyone is scared of.. oh shit that is not god. I shouldn't feel that way! I still needed to answer so i said: „ i don't know darling. But lets just say it the first day I'm working here.. but hen your already here i can ask you now. My students had the idea of doing a Halloween ball and i said that i will talk to you and Professor Dovey, sooo what do you say about it? You wouldn't have to plan or organise anything." „Okay why not i mean then i have one day less of teaching this little beasts." „ why would you call your students Beasts isnt that rude to do darling?"

I'm sorry that I didn't  update this long but I had some school stuff to do and then was Christmas but now here is he new chapter. I hope y'all had a good time whether your having Christmas or not. I'll probably will update next year again so I'll wish you all a happy new year already..

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