Chapter Five

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When they were nestled in his Jeep, Frerin turned over the engine and eased into reverse to back out of their space. He shifted into first, rolling to the parking lot entrance and then looked over at her. "I think maybe I should take you home instead, Syd. We don't have to rush anything."

Disappointment flashed through her. He didn't sound annoyed, or put out, or even disappointed himself, but just very matter of fact. "You don't have to. Really. I'm okay with going back to your place."

He lifted his hand from the gearshift knob to bring it down atop hers, which rested on her thigh. "I know, but I don't want to rush you and I feel like maybe I'm doing just that. Besides, I'm not going anywhere, so I'll wait. It won't kill me."

Heat sank into her hand from his, deepening as his fingers tightened over her. "Frerin, what is this about?"

"It's about my not rushing you into something you might not really be sure you want to do. Look," he lifted his hand to shift into second gear, then brought it back to hers, "I know probably don't trust me and I can't blame you for that. So, I'd rather wait to sleep with you when I know you won't be just waiting for the other shoe to drop. When you won't spend the whole time thinking about me disappearing again. I'm pretty selfish in that I'd much rather you be thinking about just how good I'm making you feel and how much you're liking what we're doing than you wondering if I'm going to call you the next day."

She looked over at him. His left hand rested at the bottom of the steering wheel, a black Apple watch on that thick wrist that lit up each time he moved. His hands were huge, with long, thick fingers and she bit back a sigh, remembering how those hands felt on her, both tonight and the last time they were together. He knew just how to touch her to make her melt, and the fact that there was no melting in her near future weighed heavily.

"I get that," she began slowly, hedging her words, "but it kind of feels like maybe you've had second thoughts."

"About sex with you?" He looked over at her and her stomach did a flip at his slow grin. "Do I look insane, Syd? I remember what it was like with you and trust me, it's not that I don't want to do it with you, it's more about the timing. We don't have to rush. Like I said, we got time, more or less."

She narrowed her eyes. His slight hesitation at the end of that sentence once more stirred the feeling there was something he wasn't telling her. But, she knew if she pressed, he'd only deny it again. So, she forced a smile and nodded. "I know, but... I was kind of looking forward to it."

His fingers tightened about hers. "I'll keep that in mind."

Traffic was fairly light and it was only a few minutes later that he was pulling up in front of her house. Lights blazed bright both upstairs and down, and both Gram and Charlie's cars were in the driveway.

"Do you want to come in?"

"Sure." He killed the engine, tugged the keys from the ignition, and pushed open his door as she climbed out on her side.

He came around the front of the Jeep. "Do you think they're still watching Die Hard?"

"It's possible. If so, we can join them, and if not, we can find something else to watch. I'm just glad Gram's still here. If she wasn't at this time of night? Means only one thing. The police have called her out for something."

"Yeah, Thorin's told me they work pretty closely with your grandmother from time to time."

"And Teddy. Can't forget Teddy. She's everyone's favorite."

He smiled as he reached for her hand. "She's not my favorite, you know."

She just stared up at him, shaking her head. "There isn't a man alive who doesn't think she is hot."

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