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"Hey, Steve!"

The miner turned away from the pale white horse he had been fitting the saddle on and faced his approaching sister entering the stables. He smiled widely and lightly waved as she made her way over. "About time sis, almost thought you'd gone and changed your mind again." He says in relief as he turns back to his steed and tugs on the bridle of his horse to make sure it was snug.

Stephanie's smile fell a bit and she folded her arms and rolled her eyes halfheartedly. "Well I'm here aren't I?"

"I suppose so, but can you really blame me for thinking that?" The miner countered with a quiet chuckle as he petted his horse. "You canceled out on the last two trips we've planned, and you and Alex were taking forever to get out here." Steve then blinked as he spun back around and looked over his sister's shoulder when he didn't see his adventurous companion. "Speaking of which, where's Alex at?"

"About that." Steph started nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"I already got both yours and Alex's horses fitted and saddled up, just finished getting Snowflake ready. All they need is our bags and chest packs and we're prepared to set off." Steve said as he patted the side of the stallion's neck and turned back towards his sister, she seemed bothered. The miner sighed and rubbed the side of his head, he had a pretty good guess of what was going on. "She's not arguing with Brine again is she?" He asked hesitantly, his sister frowned and glanced away.

"I know I couldn't convince him to come with us and he hasn't joined us on any kind of trip or activity for a while now, but it's completely up to him no matter what reason he may have. Alex disagrees, a lot." Steve's weak grin faded and he shook his head. "He just stopped hanging out with us one day and now we hardly see him around, doesn't talk much anymore either. I'm sure there's a good reason. Still, Alex should really come to terms with it already."

"It's because of me, isn't it?" The younger Stonewall said lowly, her tone laced with guilt. She settles her hands on the strap of her bag and keeps her gaze on the ground.

Steve blinked and swayed his head back in forth with a faint smile. "It can't be you Steph, he's been avoiding all of us for some time; even me, his best friend." He gestured himself with a hand over his chest and furrowed his brows. "Can barely get him to go mining on some occasions. He's probably just busy covertly saving people, or sleeping more; he likes doing that a lot nowadays considering he went centuries without any actual rest and now enjoys it." He paused and gauged his sister's reaction, his words did not bring her any sense of comfort and he knew exactly why she was blaming herself. "It's not your fault." He tried to reassure her calmly. "One little incident hasn't changed how he sees us, we're all still good friends."

Stephanie pulled her satchel from over her head and shoulder and held it close to her as she ambled past Steve without making any eye contact, she moved over to her blue roan sabino horse and attached her bag to the saddle quietly. Despite the privileges and special time the immortal gave her today, she knew it wouldn't change much between them; he'd just find another time or place to rest so as to not interact with her so often. The chances for more encounters were there, but still not too likely. His avoidance all started after a specific day that revolved around her reckless actions, Herobrine; the one she loves, seemingly now avoiding her the most out of the three.

Of course, it was her fault.

Snowflake nuzzles the miner's shoulder, grabbing his attention. Steve reaches up to stroke the animal's face while lost in thought, it hurts him so much to see his sister's distress and yet there's nothing he can do or say about it to make her feel better. Alex must be chewing Herobrine out over 'that' problem ... again. The guy never did handle the guilt that well, his stubbornness was a whole other matter on its own.

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