You'll Find No Danger Here

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Santa Monica, California
Thursday, April 17, 1997
(11:30 pm)

"Oh my good God, I love your body."

Stevie was lying back against the pillows on her bed, looking down and smiling as Lindsey lay on his side at her feet and his hands wrapped around her ankles to begin his journey up the length of her body to make sure she believed him. She wore the little white silk nightgown Lindsey had fallen in love with two years earlier when they'd recorded "Twisted", dug out of her luggage especially for him, and nothing else, as he scrambled to a sitting position to get a better angle. Out in the living room beyond the open bedroom door, the dog was playing with a little stuffed elephant that made a squeaking noise over the sound of the Rolling Stone singing "Beast Of Burden" on the stereo, which was because Stevie had thrown a random CD they'd both enjoy into the stereo to play while she looked through her clothing options for tomorrow's interview at the rehearsal. She had modeled a few outfits for Lindsey and wound up being backed onto the bed and attacked by hungry mouth and hands, and hours later she found herself once again being devoured by him, this time slowly, deliberately, the lovesick gaze in his eyes followed by soft, tender hands that left no part of her untouched.

She giggled as his fingers trailed along her inner thighs. " tickles," she said, laughter in her voice, not really wanting him to stop. Lindsey responded by bending down to place tiny kisses where his fingers had been, his large, enveloping hands grabbing either side of her waist and spreading warmth throughout her body as they mingled with the cool silky touch of the fabric of her nightgown against her skin. She couldn't remember a time when she'd felt so warm, so special, so cherished by another person. She giggled again or else she'd start to cry; his touch was the most intimate, warm, genuine expression of love she'd ever felt in her life.

"So sweet..." Lindsey murmured against her skin, kissing his way up her thighs and deliberately not going where he knew she wanted him to go, instead pushing up the sides of the nightgown a few inches to begin kissing her lower stomach. Stevie giggled again, ticklish to the touch of his lips, and then moaning softly as he slowed down, became gentler. "Mmmm...sweet little belly...soft and warm and tasty..." He felt her fingers begin running through his hair as he went on, kissing the small beauty mark she had on her left side, above her belly button. His finger traced his lips to the little spot as he said, "Mmm beauty right it are so beautiful, beautiful Stephanie..." And he kept on, covering her with soft little kisses, his hands gliding up along the sides of her body, drunk with love and feeling his way around her in the dim light of the bedroom, only a few strategically-placed candles and her beloved blue Tiffany lamp from Barbara to light his way. His mouth soon arrived at its destination - hers - and his lips crashed onto hers as his hands cradled her face and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him closer as his tongue began caressing hers. From the living room stereo speakers came the sound of the next track on The Rolling Stones CD, "Wild Horses", but neither Stevie nor Lindsey were really listening; they were engaged in a long, deep kiss and locked together in an intimate embrace that both of them knew was only the beginning.

"Childhood living is easy to do...The things you wanted, I bought them for you...Graceless lady, you know who I am...You know I can't let you slide through my hands...Wild horses couldn't drag me away...Wild, wild horses couldn't drag me away..."

Ever since their decision to keep their relationship a secret from Fleetwood Mac, moments like this had become little adventures, a special secret they had between them only, and they were careful as they rehearsed with Mick and John and Christine to be just friendly enough without overstepping. Stevie had twice caught herself before calling him baby as they'd rehearsed, both times during "You Make Loving Fun". Lindsey had caused her to explain it was too hot in the space as the reason for her blushing two days ago when he'd whispered in her ear after "Landslide", "You know what, Stephanie...the way your long skirt is like that, imagine I could be inside you the whole time from behind and no one would know."

Talk To Me: The Dance Thriller, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now