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Rebecca sat with her head in her hands, her mind in a whirl. Claire sat beside her and gave her hand a comforting squeeze. She looked up at Claire. "How can you be so calm about this?" Rebecca asked. Claire's hands were now folded in her lap, but she was smiling, "I don't know, I knew Shane would pull something like this."

"But why?" Rebecca asked her. "Have you not looked at that man, he is practically hungry for power over this group of people," Claire scoffed. She reached down to her side, pulled out a beer and offered it to Rebecca. "He has control over Lori and every aspect of the group." Rebecca took the beer and daintily sipped at it. "How's Harry?" Rebecca asked her. Claire answered, "Sleeping like a log," she replied with a chuckle. Rebecca glanced over at Dale with his hat in his hand, with the same worried expression over his tired old face. 

"Poor Amy, she is really getting worried," Rebecca added. Claire nodded and took the beer from her hands and took a gulp. She took a deep breath. "I imagine she is, if it was me and I found out you were out there, I'd be worried as well. I would've been making my way over to the city right now."


With arms crossed, Rebecca and Claire stood by the RV. "Doing nothing but staring but do anything," he told the women, as he stood atop it and walked back and forth while scanning the area with his binoculars. With a rolling of the eyes, Claire spat back, "It will; it'll let them know that I hate his guts."

They glared at Shane as he spoke to Carl and Lori while sitting in the camp and cleaning his gun. Rebecca cast a quick glance over at Harriet, who was sitting by herself and reading a book she had brought with her while also fidgeting idly in the grass with her hands. Dale said, "It's not setting a good example for your daughter," to which Claire raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to sneer. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but this world has changed, not for playground games."

Claire shook her head and looked away, tears in her eyes. "You're right," she bit her bottom lip and began to speak, but was cut off by the sound of a siren approaching. Everyone in the camp perked up. "Talk to me, Dale!" Dale looked through his binoculars after Shane shouted, "I can't tell yet."

In search of hope, Rebecca put her hands on her hips and looked up at Dale. "Is it them? Are they back?" Amy asked with hope in her voice. Still holding the gun, Shane approached. "I'll be damned," Dale said, following an object with his binoculars and seeing a red car drive towards the camp.

"What is it?" While shading her eyes from the sun with her hands, Rebecca asked him. "A stolen car is my guess," Dale said, letting the string holding his binoculars hang around his neck. Rebecca let out a sound of relief, running a hand over her face and smiling.

Everyone walked over to the edge of the camp where the pricey red racing car had pulled up to see who was making all the noise and to find out where everyone else was. Running over, Harriet wrapped her arms around Claire's waist, watching. With the biggest grin and a sense of accomplishment, Glenn got out of the car. "Holy Crap. Turn that damn thing off!" Dale yelled above the shrill siren.

"I don't know how." When Glenn shouted, everyone simultaneously started to question him about what had happened. Amy yelled at Glenn, asking him about her sister frantically.

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine, everyone is," Glenn yelled, and Jim opened the hood and discovered how to turn off the siren. Glenn continued, "Well, Merle not so much.

Shane leaned over the hood, "Are you crazy, driving this wailing bastard up here?" Shane asked him, "Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?"

"Shane, tone it down. He didn't know-" Shane interrupted Rebecca and said, "I'm talking about everyone's safety, that doesn't do it alright."

"Well, the alarm was echoing all over these hills. Hard to pinpoint the source, I'm not arguing, I'm just saying, wouldn't it help if you thought a little more carefully next time?" Dale exclaimed, looking around at the large woodland around them. "I'm sorry," said Glenn as he stood there feeling ashamed. "Got a cool car," he said, pointing to the car next to him.

A truck rolled up in front of them, drawing everyone's attention. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Andrea and Morales' figures emerged, and Amy rushed over to give her sister a hug while the Morales children yelled out in delight upon seeing and embracing their father. "Come here, sweetie," Lori said as she drew Carl aside. She knelt down to speak with him.

The two men laughed when they saw one another and Dale quickly hugged Morales, saying, "You are a welcome sight. I thought we lost you folks for sure."

Before turning to face everyone, Shane cast a quick glance at Lori and Carl. "How'd y'all get out of there anyway?" he asked. "New guy... he got us out," Glenn replied, leaning on the car door.

"Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello."

Rebecca turned to see another person exiting the car wearing a police uniform; he appeared despondent because everyone was with their families. The man saw Shane and had the same expression on his face, gasping. Shane's face dropped as he watched in shock. Carl, who yelled "Dad!" and ran in his direction, was pointed out by the man, who had a tearful expression. The man picked him up and hugged him tightly falling to the ground. He got back to his feet and moved toward Lori, who hugged the two of them, carrying his son in his arms.

Everyone at the camp smiled as they watched the reunion, but Rebecca and Claire just turned to one another and muttered, "what the fuck?"

I literally get goosebumps over this scene to this very day

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I literally get goosebumps over this scene to this very day. We have yet to see Daryl <3

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