┆ Chapter 6:  faithful ┆

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As I awoke I jumped of the tree hitting the ground somehow landing without falling over I started my Little journey to the resistance camp.


[I think it's fort fujitou is the resistance camp]

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[I think it's fort fujitou is the resistance camp]

Upon arrival and the resistance camp and a soldier going by the name of teppei leading the way to General gorou.

Teppei: so.. y/n is it?

Y/n: yes that's my name.

Teppei: so why do you wanna join the resistance?

Y/n: to help instead of doing nothing.

Teppei: oh.. i see.

As the awkward tension grew y/n found it quite comfortable intel they reached their destination. General gorou's tent/hut [idk really]

Teppei: General we have a new recruit!

Gorou: Huh?! Oh! That's great news!

Y/n: ...

Gorou: what's you're name?

Y/n: y/n.

Gorou: I see. Welcome to the resistance!

Y/n: ...

Gorou: teppei please take them to the training ground!

Teppei: alright!

Y/n: ...

Teppei: follow me!

Y/n mind: "the walk is so boring.."

[This is the place?]

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[This is the place?]

Teppei: ok so y/n?

Y/n: mhm?

Teppei: what weapon do you use?

Y/n: polearm.

Teppei: ok! I'll set up a couple targets for you to attack!

Y/n: ok..

 Surprise Visit | raiden(ei) x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now