
38 3 114

amazing things about you;

you're weird and its fun

your humor is gold (only gonna admit this today)

you like annoying me a LOT

you made stupid jokes that always make me laugh

you're really nice when you want to be

you introduced me to your friends who are as wonderful as you

you can match my energy

you listen to everything i say and actually remember it

you never get tired of my spams

you know how to cheer me up when i'm sad

you give me good advice when you're being serious

you love mythology and ramble about it sometimes (i like it when you do that)

you know me too well

your graphic designing skills >>>>>

you're extremely goofy

you and i talk about the most random shit

you actually read my book recs

you kinda got me addicted to a few songs (metal)

you listened to taylor even when you don't like her bc i asked you to

your car renders are really great

you know a lot about my real life

your friend group is crazy 

you deserve everything in this world

you like cars 

you love your friends

you're a teenage girl

you've started saying 'slay' too

you're a rich bitch

your backyard >>>>

you think you're hot

your narcissism is endearingly hilarious  

you're very sus

you're an idiot

your bday gift for me was super awesome

you like english

you can write really well

you're such a kid sometimes

your vocabulary is definitely beyond my understanding

you know extremely random facts 

your music taste is uh unique

you have pretty hands

your nicknames are creative

you're my broest bro

you're the reason i'm gonna stretch this to 69

you're welcome

your ego is going to be x10 times after this

you think my lack of general knowledge is funny T-T

you had said you loved your last year's bday gift and i intend to reach that level

you know i'm not done yet

you read my book (at least halfway)

you're special

your bday this year has to be the best bc i'm your friend now

you take anything about designing very seriously

you and i have the same favourite vegetable

you know when to stop even when you're teasing me

you have a very dirty mind

you think 13 year old you was cringey

you in real life are as awesome as you online, i just know it

you've been graced with my honourable presence with a privilege of friendship

you're inspiring (sometimes)

you can bear with my fangirling 

you're unlike anyone i've met before

you like bright yet dark colours, those that stand out, just like you do

you're smart and a huge nerd

your influence on me is starting to show

you don't like punctuation 

you're always there for me when i need you

you're one of my best friends

you're you

- diana

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