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November 20th, 2019 

Time: 2:10 PM AFT

Northern Afghanistan, Bazaar

SAS, Team Razor

Mission Objective: Eliminate the leader of an emerging terrorist group gaining power in Afghanistan known as Al-Kabab.

POV: Brigader Blackwater 

I had just climbed out of the car with my other 4 teammates, including one of my friends, CPT Slice. I was the team leader of a SAS detachment known as Team Razor, we were tasked with taking out the leader of a new terrorist group. On the drive there we already went over the plan and how we would exfill. I had a concealed M1911 with a suppressor, and so did Slice, we both preferred the stopping power it provided, and its reliability. We slipt up 2 and 2 and I chose to be with Slice, we went down an alleyway to avoid detection while the 2 others followed their route. It was nice as it was hot and sunny today and the alley offered us shade. While we were walking down the alley, we were met with 2 Al-Kabab members armed with AKMs.  We proceeded with our heads down trying to sneak past them, but then they must've been suspicious enough for them to come to talk to us. 

Al-Kabab Soldier 1: اې! تاسو باید دلته نه یاست!

We both just stood there frozen, we must have also had a confused look on our faces as then his face hardened and he responded to us in English.

Al-Kabab Soldier 1: What are you doing around these parts? I can tell that you must be soldiers from somewhere! I can also tell that you are not locals!

They then held us at gunpoint and Slice tried to distract them in order to buy us some time so that we could figure out how to react.

Slice: Hey easy, easy! We're not hostile! We are just security PMCs for the oil fields! We were ordered to get food for the workers! 

Al-Kabab Soldier 2: Why are you going through the alleyway? You could follow the road!

Slice: The roads are very crowded today we saw this as a shortcut! Now, let us pretend this never happened and me and my partner will get out of here! Okay?

Al-Kabab Soldier 1: Wait No! The Totenkopf need to see you, to make sure you are not one of the Western Scum!

The first soldier then reached out and grabbed her shoulder while the other shouldered his gun to come over and detain me. At that moment I struck and did a quickdraw with my M1911 putting two in the head. Slice then took the opportunity to unsheathe her knife and stabbed the other soldier in the jugular.

Slice: Damm, nice shots

Blackwater: I've been practicing

 Once we disposed of them we both concealed our weapons and proceeded on with our route, we eventually got to the rendezvous point. It was a rusted sheet metal shack that would usually be used for shelter by the ones who couldn't afford housing. We then went in with a hand up so that we wouldn't be fired on.

Blackwater: Blue, Blue! Don't fire!

Slice: Friendly! Friendly!

SAS Support Gunner: Glad to see you made it sir! 

SAS Specialist: Yeah sir, we were worried about you, you 2 took your sweet time.

Slice: We ran into some trouble on the way ...

SAS Specialist: You weren't followed were you?

Blackwater: Alleyway was clear, plus, we walked around in a circle a few times to make sure we weren't being followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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