Chapter 2

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Taehyungs Pov
I was completely shocked by Y/n's sudden action. How did she got the courage to hug me? Is she drunk? No..
no... she doesn't like alcohol. She was hugging me tightly as if I'll disappear if she left me. I didn't hugged her back as I was still processing but the thing is I'm liking it. I'm liking the way she's hugging me. I was about to hug her back when she spoke
Y/n : Hubby.... I missed you soooo much. How's your day?
What? Hubby? I came back to my sense and pushed her hardly from me she fell on the floor.
Y/n : Ouch!
I got angry as soon as I saw her face
Taehyung : Are out of your mind? Do you want me to fix it?

Y/ns Pov
Oops....he got angry well it was obvious but I have to do something before he started beating me. I quickly got up form the floor rubbing my butt as it was hurting as he pushed me hardly.
Y/n : Umm.. Tae-Taehyung you could fix my mind later you must be tired and hungry let's have dinner first.
I held his hand and took him towards the dining table. He followed me with a shocking expression on his face totally confused at my behaviour. But soon he yanked my hand from his and started yelling
Taehyung : Did you drop your brain somewhere huh...? Go and find it. From where you got this much courage to hug me and touch my hand? And about dinner I'm not hungry at all.
Suddenly his stomach growled and I chuckle. What a timing
Y/n : But your tummy didn't agreed with you 'I said with a pout'
Taehyung : I-I'll take a shower first. 'He run upstairs with a red face'
Y/n : Hehe cute.

Taehyungs Pov
What happened to this girl today why is she acting like this? Did I abused her too much last night that she lose her right mind? What should I do now?
Should I teach a her lesson? No no what if she acted more weirdly after that? Maybe I should go with the flow yes I'll let her do whatever she's doing right now she'll sure become normal tomorrow. Maybe she's still in trauma I just crossed my limit last night. I shouldn't have beaten her that much last night.
After taking a relaxing shower I stepped out of the bathroom with my pajamas while whipping my wet heir with the towel when Y/n called me from downstairs
Y/n : Tae baby why are taking so long come fast otherwise the food will get cold.
What Tae baby? Did she just call me by a pet name? What happened to her I was feeling little scared now. Calm down Taehyung she is not in her right mind. She will be okay tomorrow. I explain to myself and went downstairs after taking a deep breath. I went down stairs and carefully peeked in the dining area but she wasn't there. I sign in relief..
Y/n : There you are?
I flinched and looked behind me where she was standing with a smile. I never notice but her smile is not bad.
Y/n : What took you so long? The food is almost getting cold now came here sit.
She pulled me to a chair and make me sat on it. She served me the food and sit opposite me. All the time her smile doesn't left her face and I was just looking at her totally shocked.
Y/n : You can see my face later after finishing your food otherwise your food will be jealous that you're looking at me instead of eating it.
I quickly looked down after hearing her words I was about to put the food on my mouth but stopped wait did she mixed poison on it. Maybe thats why she's acting like this today because she's planning to kill me.
Y/n : What's wrong why did you stop?
Taehyung : Because I know you're planning to kill me by mixing poison on my food.
She was confused at first but then she smiled and got up from her seat. She started walking towards me. Is she's going to stab me now because I understood her plan. She stand in front of me and then suddenly sit on my lap.
Taehyung : WHA-
Y/n : Shh....
She stopped me putting her index finger on my lips. I gulped and looked at her. She slowly removed her finger from my lips. But I wasn't able to talk anymore. She was too close. I never saw her face from this much closely. Her shinny eyes hold too many emotions on it. She... she is beautiful
Y/n : Feed me
Taehyung : Huh...?
Y/n : Feed me the food if you didn't believe me.
I came back to my sense and slowly put a spoonful of fried rice on her mouth with my trembling hands. After gulped down the food she smiled and wrapped her hands around my neck coming more closer to me our nose almost touched
Y/n : See I didn't died. How can I kill you husband..
After saying that she got up form my lap and sit on her chair. We finished dinner silently. Y/n started washing the dishes and I directly went to the room and lay down on the bed thinking about everything that happened after I came back home from work. I really hope she will turn normal tomorrow. After sometimes Y/n come inside the room and jump on the bed lay down beside me and hugged me tightly. She put her head on my chest and my heart started to beating faster.
Y/n : Good night hubby....
She closed her eyes I sign and also closed my eyes before turning off the lights with my left hand.

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