Chapter 3

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Right now I'm in Taehyungs office I made launch for him and I'm here to give him this. This is my first time in his office. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I wear a beautiful dress and put some makeup on my face Lisa help me in this and she also drop me here. I stand in front of the reception.
Receptionist : How can I help you mam 'she asked with a polite smile'
Y/n : Can you tell where can I find Mr Kim 'I smiled back at her'
Receptionist : He is in his cabin right now but did you have any appointment?
Y/n : Umm... actually I'm his wife
Receptionist : Oh.. nice to see you mam. come I'll saw you the way to his office.
I nodded and followed her. She stopped in front of a big door.
Receptionist : This is Mr Kims cabin mam I may take my leave
Y/n : Thank you.
she bowed and left from there.

I opened the door without knocking. Maybe I also forget my manners with my shyness and afraidness. I went inside only to see a girl sitting on my husbands lap. They both were shocked at my entry but I'm not shocked as I knew I'll see something like this after I came here. But I'm glad they're not doing something else. I observed the girl carefully and saw that she's wearing half clothes no not half it's less then half. The dress can't even covered her half body properly. I walk towards them grab the girls hair and push her from my husbands lap and guess what she fell on the floor hardly well I learned that technique from my husband. I looked at her with burning gaze
Y/n : What were you doing in my husbands lap huh? Go and wear full clothes then come back. She looked at Taehyung and he nodded. The girl get up and walk out from the room before slamming the door harshly. After she left I looked at Taehyungs direction
Taehyung : Y/n When are- 'I cutted his word'
Y/n : If you want someone to sit on your lap then you should have told me first I can sit on your lap.
Taehyung : Y/n just get out of here please leave me alone at least in office give me some peace.
Y/n : I'll Taehyung soon I'll leave not only your office but also everything then there will be peace and peace in your life.
Taehyung : And when that magical day will come.
Y/n : Soon... but right now I brought launch for you let's eat this together.
I opened the launch box and sit on his lap he flinched and tried to push me
Y/n : What? You want someone to sit on your lap right as you love being human chair 'I said sarcastically'
Taehyung : Y/n it's not like that I- 'I again cut him off'
Y/n : Taehyung stop struggling and sit straight or else I'll kiss you again.
He stopped pushing me and sit straight. I opened the launch box and held the spoon in front of his mouth
Y/n : Eat or you want kiss?
He opened his mouth quickly and eat the food. I chucked it's working I should threat like this more often
Y/n : How's this trash taste like? Does it taste like fresh trash or a month old trash?
He doesn't said anything just eat the food quietly I'm feeding him. Why he is this much cute..
Y/n : Taehyung was that girl from before your is girlfriend 'He hummed in response' what's her name? 'he didn't response' speak or this time I'll kiss your.... ummm... yes your neck and leave hickey
Taehyung : J-Ju-Julia...her name is Julia.
Y/n : Hmm... good boy. Why did you date her she doesn't even wear her dress properly. Just break up with her
Taehyung : And who are you to told me that?
Y/n : Your well wisher.
Taehyung : If you were my well wisher you'll never agreed to marry me to ruin my life. Now get up from me.
Y/n : Wha-
Taehyung : I SAID GET UP.
I flinched and get up from his seat. Okay maybe I'm still afraid of him.
I didn't go out as I was just standing there looking down with pouty lips controlling my sobs but I couldn't control my tears as they were continuously falling. All I wanted just gives him love show him how much I love him and spent some happy moments together with him so that I could die peacefully. But it's more harder then I thought.
Taehyung : Are you deaf? Didn't you heard what I was saying?
Y/n : I... I'm leaving but p-please finished your l-launch properly.
I somehow said and ran out from his office. I whipped my tears wear a fake smile on my face and went outside where Lisa was waiting for me with her car. Lisa run to me when she saw me coming out from the building
Alyssa : Did he ate the launch you brought for him. what is hi-
'she stopped when she saw my red nose and puffy eyes' Y/n what happened to do did you cry?
Y/n : No I'm just tired let's go home Lisa.
Alyssa : Yeah...sure just give me ten minutes I need to use the washroom first.
I nodded and sit inside the car and Lisa headed to the building.

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