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This is not a very exciting chapter but i promise it will get better!!!

Also, i know i cant stop hate and everything but can people just not comment on the names anymore. I am sick of hearing people complain about the sibling names and tbh it is making me not wanna continue the book. So, please, if u are gonna comment on the names calm down and be nicer about it.

(also not edited)

was at my best friend Georgie's house right now. Instead of going to my chaotic house of eleven siblings i usually come here. My mom and Mary are best friends and have been since they were in kinder garden-

"SHELDON, IF YOU DONT GET IN HERE, I'M GANNA LICK YOUR TOOTHBRUSH!" Missy yelled and i smiled slightly as Sheldon yelled 'coming!' back and ran to the dinning room table.

"The hell were you doing out there?" George asked.

"George" Mary said "Language"

"What language? So?" George asked, still wanting to know what Sheldon was doing.

"I was exploring dimensional kinematics" Sheldon said.

"Admit it, he's adopted" Georgie said and i hit him lightly on the shoulder. "What was that for?"

"Being rude" i said and he rolled his eyes.

"How can i be adopted when i have a twin sister?" Sheldon asked and added "Think, monkey, think"

"Good one Sheldon" i said laughing slightly.

"And you say I'm rude" Georgie said rolling his eyes.

"That's enough" Mary said. "No one's adopted"

"I wish i was" Missy said.

"That can still be arranged" Mary said. "now, lets pray"

"A moment please" Sheldon said as we all raised our hands. I was sitting next to Georgie and Mee-maws seat. Yes i call her Mee-maw. Me and her both sit on the corners of the table so that then we can all fit. George and Georgie sighed deeply when Sheldon began to put on mittens.

"Leave him be" Mary said.

"He can hold hands with his family. It won't kill him" George said.

"We don't know that" Sheldon defended then turned to Georgie. "Georgie, did you wash your hands before dinner? Or even this week?"

"None of your business" Georgie said and Sheldon turned to the rest of us.

"Hence the mittens" Sheldon said. We then all held hands which i did with George and Missy since Mee-maw wasn't here today.

"Thank you, God, for this food we're about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies, and bless the hands that prepared it" Mary said and we all said 'Amen' together before we all dug into the food.

"How come we ain't got no tater tots?" Georgie asked.

"I made tater tots last night" Mary said.

"I'd take tater tots over mashed potaters any day" Georgie said.

"Don't listen to him Mary, your cooking is amazing" i said. She smiled down at me.

"Thank you May" Mary said and i nodded grinning at Georgie who gave me a look.

"Suck up" he said and i tapped him on the foot with mine and he did it back.

"Can we at least have tater tots tomorrow?" Georgie asked and i shook my head in disapproval and took a mouth full of food.

"Everybody excited to start school Monday?" Mary asked.

"I am" Sheldon said.

"I guess so" Missy said.

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