10: butterfly

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Before we get into the book i would like to mention that March and May are twins. I completely forgot to mention that. My bad. Anyway bye.

Not edited.

I was thankfully at the Cooper house for dinner and tonight is the first night Sheldon won't be at the dinner table. Sheldon moved to another place to live with another family for collage. Now i sit next to George and Georgie. It's weird.

"All right, let's say grace" Mary said.

"Guess i get to hold hands with you now" i said to George.

"Guess so" George said and we awkwardly held hands.

"Thank you, god, for this food we are about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies. And bless the hands that prepared it. And god, we ask that you watch over our Sheldon as he begins this wonderful new-" Mary then stopped and cleared her throat before continuing "as he begins this wonderful new chapter in his life.... Amen"

"Amen" we all said and we all let go of each others hands. I looked over to Mary who was crying.

"Mary you ok?" i asked.

"Yes, I'm fine" Mary said smiling at me.

"Why you cryin?" Georgie asked.

"Why you stupid?" Meemaw asked Georgie and i tried not to laugh at his reaction. Meemaw then turned her attention to Mary and George. "So how'd it go in Dallas today?"

"Went fine" George said. "Nice people. Sheldon seemed very comfortable with the whole thing"

George then went on to describe how it was. They saw a nice house and when they knocked a lady answered with a blue dress and gold leaves on it. 'Welcome! How was the drive?' she had asked happily. They all walked into the welcoming house with beautiful decorations of roses of red, orange and yellow type. 'Eh, a little traffic comin' into the city but otherwise ok' George had said as Sheldon admired the place with a wide grin. 'Sheldon, i want you to meet my husband, Elliot' the lady said and a man wearing a suit walked out from around the corner. Sheldon gave him a impressed smile. 'Elliot, this is Sheldon' The lady said and the man smiled down at the young boy. 'Well, it's nice to meet you, young man. I've heard a lot about you' Elliot said.-

"George, that is not at all how they were" Mary cut in from his description. "There was definitely something off about those people"

"Really?" George asked. "What'd i miss?"

Mary then described what it was like. The house was covered with darkness and once they knocked a lady with crazy hair and a witch like smile opened the door. 'Welcome!' the lady said sounding like she was losing her mind. 'How was the drive?' she asked her voice high and shrivel. She opened the door allowing them to walk in. The red, yellow and orange flowers were dead and the room looked as though it was the direct door to hell itself. 'Eh, a little traffic comin' into the city but otherwise ok" George said calmly. They all walked in and the lady closed the door then her high voice struck again 'Sheldon, I want you to meet my husband, Elliot' she said and Mary and Sheldon watched with wide eyes as a man walked through a smoke filled room as if to look like a ghost. 'Elliot, this is Sheldon' the lady said and they both stared intently at the boy. 'Nice to meet you, young man' Elliot said slowly, his voice sinking in through there very skin and sending chills up there spines. 'I've heard a lot about you' Elliot said then the couple began to cackle like they had gone mad-

"Oh, come on!" George cut in. "You're making it out like they were some kind of monsters" he then looked over to the rest of the family to plead his case "Sheldon has his own room. There's books everywhere. Even had a big old backyard he wont play in"

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