8: Gotcha

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Of course he drags me to a mechanic. And its not even my car! I looked over at Georgie then George. I wanna go home.

We soon arrived and we all got out the car.

I followed Georgie and George towards there neighbor who owns this place.

"Hey George, how ya'll been?" there neighbor asked.

"Good, good. Hey, fix your place up, looking snazzy" George said.

"Ah, thanks. Even got a new water cooler" he said "it's got those pointy cups, look like Madonna's bra"

I looked at Georgie to see if i heard it right and he was looking at me the same way.

"So, whats going on with your truck?" he asked "other then the fact it's got 130,000 miles on it?"

"Shes been running hot. I'm worried i need a new radiator" George explained.

"As your friend and neighbor, i hope not, but as a businessman, that'd be pretty sweet" there neighbor said.

"It could just be the thermostat not opening right" Georgie said.

"Yea, like they taught us in auto repair from last year" i said.

"That is correct" there neighbor said looking at us impressed.

"I'm surprised you listened" i said to Georgie.

"I'm as surprised as you are" Georgie said.

After a few minutes of him looking at the car he called us all back over.

"Tell me" George said when we were over there.

"Well, the kids were right, it's just the thermostat" he said.

"Yea, yea. So, how long to fix it?" George asked.

"Nothing, 20 minutes" there neighbor said.

I looked at Georgie and he looked at me. We both nodded before i asked-

"Can we help?"

"Well, sure. Grab yourself a pair of coveralls and have at it" there neighbor said and we both rushed to where the coveralls were.

"Thanks" we both called when there.

When home that day i quickly walked into the kitchen to where January was. She was getting snacks ready for all the kids and June, November, September, and October were standing by her seat and watching January cut fruit while December was being held by January with one hand.

How she does it, no idea.

I quickly climbed onto an island chair and smiled up at her. She looked up at me and looked at me confused.

"What?" she asked.

"Your proud of me right?" i asked.

"Yea" she said.

"Shes lying" October said and i gave him a face.

"Dont even, you cant even poop in a potty" i said and turned back to January.

"I, drum role please" i said and everyone did it. "Got a job!"

"Wow, really, thats great" January said and February walked in and towards the fridge.

"How are you gonna do a job, cheerleading, and homework?" he asked.

"How do you do it?" i asked "Hm?"

"I'm graduating soon dumb ass" he said and walked up the kitchen stairs to his room.

"Anyway! Whats your job?" November asked.

"Are there fairy's? Princesses? FAIRY PRINCESSES?!" June asked.

"No, I'm gonna be a mechanic. Georgie's neighbor offered me and Georgie a job there" i said.

I then looked up to the stairs where February went.

"Hear that old man! At least i have a job!" i yelled. "Ok, I'm gonna go to Georgies house"

I quickly took a strawberry and yelled a thank you before running out the house.

In class the next day we were doing something that most kids hate and i would bet Sheldon loves. Pop quizzes.


I hope you can hear my sarcasm.

Anyway, we are i the back row. Me and Milly had Lacey between us so we could copy her and Georgie could copy me and Riley could copy Milly and Scott could copy Riley. It was a full proof plan. No one could screw that up.

"I got one wrong" Lacey whispered in horror. She quickly rubbed one out and me and Milly tried to copy her but we ended up doing the wrong ones.

"Lacey! What are you doing, this is not the plan" Milly whispered.

"Sorry, got question C wrong" she said.

We all quickly erased question C and continued with the test until-

"Will Sheldon Cooper please come to the main office" the lady on the speaker said and everyone in the class 'Ooooo'd' him.

"Oooh what?" Sheldon asked.

"I hope he gets in trouble" Milly said.

"Why are you so mean to children?" Lacey asked.

"I dont like them, there annoying, loud, obnoxious, i just know for a fact i ain't having none" she said.

"You might" I said "never know"

"Oh, i know" she said.

After school me and Georgie went to work and i was trying to figure out where the air in the tier was coming from.

"Georgie, could you help me out?" i asked and he came over. George and our boss were watching us work.

Georgie put his head on the tire and started rubbing his hands on it.

What the fuck hell is he doing.

He whispered something to the tire while i looked at him like he was insane, which i think he is. Till his hands stopped and he said-


"That means you found where the air is coming from, right?" i asked. He nodded and smiled to himself while i continued to debate his sanity. "You know what, I'm gonna go work on the opposite side of the room to you"

This is for my memory of there ages and names, because there are so many god damn kids..................

January: 17

April: 12

June: 4

July: 8

November: 7

September: 3


February: 17

March: 15

August: 10

October: 6

December: 2

Words: 971

Pages: 2.6

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