Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Almost to the front door, Clarke reaches for his set of keys. Before he lifts the keys in the air, a light turns on, startling him.

"Going somewhere?" Daisy asks from the recliner.

"Um, maybe going for a milk run. Would you buy that?"

Daisy rolls her eyes and crosses her arms as she rolls her tongue over her front teeth, "After midnight on Christmas morning. Yeah, sure, let's stick with another response."

Feeling defeated, Clarke stands there, dipping his head, "It's not what you think, mom. Honestly."

The sarcasm kicks from Daisy soars, "oh, okay. Yeah, sure, my horny teenage son is about to walk out of my house without any protection."

Unprepared for the last half of what she said, Clarke gradually lifts his head.

"Yes, I said it. You need protection," Daisy states, tossing a condom to her son, "don't get the wrong idea. I want you kids to be safe, and before you walk out that door, pop a squat for a quick conversation about how to respect a woman after making love. Y'all know it'll be a wildfire about town once word gets out."

Catching the condom, Clarke stands there in shock for a moment after shoving it into his pocket. Once his mind wraps around the thought of what was said, he sits on the sofa.

Daisy continues, "I remember what it was like as a teenager. And, don't be shocked about the protection. I was married to Wade for a long time. I knew he was screwing around with anything he could get his hands on. Had it not been for the leverage he had over Steven and me, I would've divorced his ass and then married Steven right after the judge proclaimed I was free; Ida married Steven right then and there to royally piss him off. Steven really is the best man I've met since your father."

Seeing a shine in his mother's eyes like never before, Clarke surprises her, interrupting, "then marry him, mom. I love ya, mom, and if Steve makes you that happy, then you have my blessing."

Tears fill her eyes, and Daisy sits there, moving her hands over her mouth.

"My Christmas miracle. Thank you, son, and thank you, sweet baby, Jesus," Daisy says, taking a moment to collect herself, "anyway, what you're about to do is one of the dirtiest but best feeling things in life. Tracy is a proper young lady. You treat her with respect and dignity, not like a piece of meat you continuously chew on."

"I love her, mom. I've never felt anything like this. I've always had feelings for Tracy. We've had chances to already, but we've waited. I won't disrespect her, I promise."

Tapping her manicured fingernails on the couch arm, Daisy brings up the next point, "y'all know, being as close to Waco and Baylor as we are, there are the uber-religious nuts who will denounce you as Christians. Although some of them have things they need to pray for over themselves. That's beside the point; I'm getting off track. Look, just be careful, always use protection, and she should come clean to her parents if y'all do start having sex on a consistent basis. It never hurts to have all the safety precautions in place."

Clarke feels his phone vibrate and tries to rush, "yeah, we'll discuss it, I promise," Daisy scoffs at the bald-faced lie, "however, my lady awaits. Bye, mother."

Back on his feet, Clarke reaches for the door. Daisy interrupts him one more time, "don't get the wrong idea. I'm not in support of this. As a pharmacist and a mother, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't acknowledge that you're almost an adult. Sex is a natural thing but don't abuse it like a drug. You're my son, and I want you to be happy. Lord knows we've had enough unhappiness to last a lifetime. I love you, and be safe. I have more condoms if you need them, and wish Tracy Merry Christmas for me."

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