Season 2 Finale

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So I literally wrote this story just to express my feelings about the Agents of Shield season 3 finale. This will have spoilers so if you would rather have your heart ripped out of your body by watching tv rather then reading it do not read ahead.

Anywho, let's talk about death. Of the four deaths that took place over the last 120 minutes, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS FEMALE. Like, go rewatch it right now and count and you will realize that if you are a girl on this show you are likely to die. Fans always talk about how they love this show because of the great female cast. Well that cast just got cut in half!!!

Let me start out by saying that killing Jaiying was a good idea. She was pretty sick and twisted, and Kal would never be able to move on if she were in the picture (Btw: good call on putting Cal (k or c) through the Tahiti program. I hope he and Skye will become kinda-friends and that he will be involved in season 3 because he is so funny, he's like robin Williams meets hulk smash!)

I was both pleased and annoyed at Raina's death. The symbolism involved and how she became what she always wanted to become (an angel) was amazing!!! But I was really getting into her character and was ready to see more. I'm just glad she died a hero and not a villain.

I have the same opinion on Kara's death. I again thought the symbolism was super sad. Before this episode I wished she would turn good, maybe help Ward not be evil and simply go into hiding (I could never imagine him on the team again). This finale made it clear both Ward and Kara were twisted psychopaths, but I still cried when Ward killed her by accident. When she died it made me think of when my dog almost died( he got hit by a car and I love him more then anything and am SO happy he is ok now) which is symbolic in a way since Ward killed his own dog. Ward probably felt more pain then he ever did in his life, and even though he is a total murderer that should go to hell, I had the urge to give him a hug and tell him it was gonna be ok.

I like how the people that seemed most likely to die (Bobby in hands of Ward, Lance walking into trap, Skye fighting in middle of war) didn't die, but everyone who was unlikely to die did. There was even that scene where it looked like Coulson was dying before his hand got cut off and when fitz killed Gordon (ok, maybe there were a couple of male deaths, but my mind hasn't been able to remember anything completely straight until I talk about the death that I have not talked about yet because I wish it were not true!! :( ) I totally thought for a second Gordon had killed Fitz and I yelled out my baby!!! Then I realized it was Gordon and i was like, "Oh, okay." But all the deaths were so sudden! Especially Cara's and Simmons'.

Ok, I've been holding it off too long. I have to face facts, Simmons and Fitzsimmons is no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just knew fitzsimmons was gonna happen this finale and they had that one little scene and I knew that wasn't enough but then the episode ended and I yelled, "what the heck marvel?" Then they appeared in the end credit scene and I started freaking out and when I heard the word dinner I started freaking out even more and was full time fangirling at the end until POOF! SWAZOMP!!!! She got EATEN!!! I kid you not, she got swallowed up by a rock!!! I feel like these season finales just serve as most-popular-ship-destroyers. I swear if they do not find a way to bring Simmons back I will not watch the show because fitzSimmons may and Coulson were my 3 favorite characters. Now may is acting all wierd and going with her exhusband who, it can not be just me, has no like romantic connection at all??? They just don't seem right for each other!!! The stupid ex, not bobby or lance, is ruining my second otp CoulsonxMay!!!! And fitzsimmons can be no more with out Simmons and Coulson is not enough to fulfill my fangirling and bobby and hunter not enough to fulfill my shipping!

What I really hope will happen (and it will make sense if it does) is that Simmons is not actually dead but will somehow get powers. They've been talking all about how Simmons wants to eliminate all powered people, but they never discussed it in the finale. I believe it will play a big role in season 3, and with luck will get a super powered Simmons!!!!! The only problem with my theory is that Marvel ALWAYS does the least expected, so anything we think will never come true (but as the idiot fans and fangirls we are we keep hoping)

Worst case scenario, she's dead and we should all just jump off a boat and drown. Best case scenario- she's alive, fitzsimmons, and she joins the new secret avengers.

In the meantime we can only cry, eat icecream, watch avengers 2 for the 18th time and wait for marvel's agent carter in 2016 (which when it comes on will make me cry because Jarvis in in it and Vision has the same sexy (did I say sexy, oops) voice in avengers: age of Ultron and I have to wait until captain America 3 to see him and scarlet witch possibly get together.) Why must you be so cruel marvel!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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Agents of Shield Season 2 Finale ReviewWhere stories live. Discover now