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We were having our 1 year anniversary at a restaurant, and had just finished our main meals. The waiter brought over the dessert menu and left us. I asked my boyfriend, without looking up from the menu, what he wanted for dessert. When he didn't reply I looked up and met his eyes staring at me lustfully, smirking at me. 'You' he said in his seductive tone.

I looked down, not wanting him to see how red he made me. He said he was serious, and that we were leaving now. He paid for our dinner and we drove home.

Well, we tried to drive home. He pulled over on an empty road and stared at me. He said 'baby...I want my dessert now. I can't wait any longer, I'm starving.' Just hearing him say that turned me on. I turned to face him, but before i could say anything he cupped my face and kissed me.

He bit and sucked on my bottom lip, whilst moving his hands all around my body; he cupped and played with my breasts, he lifted up my skirt and caressed my thighs, his hands getting dangerously close to my panties. He moved from kissing my lips to my neck, leaving hickeys in a trail down to my breasts.

He stopped and told me to climb in the back of the car, and I did so. He followed and climbed in between my legs, pulling my dress up over my head and throwing it away. He leant forward to kiss me between my breasts whilst grinding in between my legs.

Slowly he moved down, still kissing me. He kissed my stomach and then went to my inner thighs. I moaned and he snickered. He slowly pulled my panties down and locked eyes with me while doing so. Then he spread my legs and put his face right in front of my pussy, so close I could feel his warm breath on it.

He whispered to me 'baby I'm gonna eat your pussy til you cum',  I was so horny at this point I intwined my fingers in his air and pulled his face closer to my pussy.

That was when he licked my pussy, his tongue going all the way up and down. I let out a huge moan. He was flicking his tongue over my clit, in circles, whilst sliding a finger in and out of me.

At this point I couldn't control my moans. My breathing was so shaky. I was gasping for breath. He sensed this, and decided to fuck my pussy with his tongue. He pushed it in and out, venturing deeper with each thrust.

I could feel myself about to cum, he was giving me so much pleasure I couldn't cope. Then he started to rub my clit with his finger to tease me but that was it. I came. He licked my pussy juices and then looked at me and said, whilst licking is lips, 'thanks for dessert baby. Happy anniversary'

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