The Spark Within

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Chapter 2

"Derek?" A hesitant voice inquires. Who, upon receiving only a somewhat dazed and bewildered gaze from Derek peering back at them blearily, clearly blinded by the sunlight that is casting them in shadow, the person gasps, inhaling sharply at seeing the distress Derek is in.

Swiftly they jump down into the pit like hole, rushing to Derek and gripping the man tightly on his shoulders as he tries to hold back his sobs.

"Derek, hey hey shit fuck what's wrong Sourwolf, what happened? Are you hurt? Is someone else hurt?..Please Derek tell me, you're really scaring me here" the person rushes out all at once, their hold getting tighter in their own panic at seeing someone, usually so unruffalable, in such a state.

Derek inhales deeply, trying to compose himself somewhat and roughly rubs at his eyes, blinking away the tears as they continue to form, despite obvious evidence that his fears are unfounded.

"St St Stiles?" Derek whispers out, gazing questionably at the familiar figure before him.

Stiles cocks his head in concern, looking Derek up and down, before peering closely into his eyes worriedly. "Yeah, yeah course it's me dude, can you not tell that? Did you knock your head or something? Or has someone put the mojo on you and fucked with your senses?" He asks worriedly, biting his bottom lip fretfully.

Derek shakes his head in response to those questions, still struggling to get a handle on the tumult of emotions he has gone through these last 10 minutes.

"Derek, buddy, help me out here, tell me what's going on so I can help you, it's not like you to be like this so I need to know what you need" Stiles pleads, his hands trembling somewhat as he strokes up and down Derek's arms comfortingly.

"….you were, I thought you…you were d d dead" Derek stutters out, unable to stop the sobbing breaths, despite the evidence of Stiles whole and alive before him.

Stiles wrinkles his brow clearly confused, looking from Derek and back up to the earth above from where he had jumped in. Dawning realisation slowly crosses his face, as he comprehends the scene that Derek must have perceived to put him in this state. He winces physically at the heartbreak he blatantly caused, whilst feeling slightly ashamed at the tinge of happiness he gets, from knowing the wolf cares for him so much.

"Derek, shit, I am so sorry, I didn't know you'd be out here or I'd have warned you. I came this far out purposefully not to distress any of the pack bonds or senses, but I probably should have still warned you to be safe, shit, shit I'm so sorry!" Stiles babbles, causing Derek even more confusion.

"Stiles, what? What's g g going on? What are y you even d d doing out here?" Derek mumbles out, his stuttered breathing starting to even out a bit as his broken breathing settles more while he focuses on his confusion.

Stiles runs a hand through his hair and looks warily at Derek as if judging whether or not he should say anything. Derek scowls, earning a snort from Stiles. "Ahhh now there's the sourwolf I know and love" he says, grinning maniacally. Derek sighs, pointedly looking at Stiles, wary exhaustion clear in his face "Stiles please?" Derek pleads, his breathing finally steady again.

"Urgh fiiiiiine, you were going to find out eventually anyway" Stiles starts, pacing back and forth in front of Derek, clearly nervous "soooo I've been practicing magic, ta daaa" Stiles states, somewhat dramatically, waving his hands in a jazz hand pose, sending sparks out at the walls of the pit for added effect.

Derek stares, blinking slowly, completely dumbfounded "What? Why? How?" The words seem to be jerked out of him, clearly Stiles has scrambled his brain somewhat, so Stiles decides to go with the most obvious route "well beeecaaaaause" he says voice lilting with glee "I'm a wizard Harry!" he says, chuckling to himself at his misworded quote.

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