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When the summer dies

Severing the ties

I'm with you always, always

Summer days slowly were seeping into the fall making world go all into colors. London wasn't the most seasonal place in the world with mostly more water down than sunlight illuminating all the leaves with extra brightness and cheer, but it had its moments regardless. And for that Steven was always looking forward because rain always stops for a moment and sun winks down until the next downpour.

He always took those small moments dear and near.

Today wasn't exactly one of those days. It was sunny all day and as long as his tea was still warm enough he was okay with life. At least the sun was out and warmth still seeped through his clothing. It felt nice and cozy, just like sitting on the windowsill with a good book and a cup of steaming tea and fuzzy blankets as the sun lazily passes by.

And the city was buzzing with life so Steven got to soak that up before his timid nature made him seek refuge at his apartment. His legs had carried him to the nearest park where people were less of an issue and he could enjoy just uninterrupted walk.

Somehow the birds chirping allowed his mind to drift...

Remember always

That love is all you need

Tell me who you wanna be

And I will set you free

The wind gust that suddenly picked up brought a handful of rustling leaves across the quiet of the empty park as the last of orange tendrils of the fading sunlight slowly slipped down the treetops.

A lone figure was laying on a park bench as if they'd been dropped there by the wind gusts just like those yellows and red leaves all around. Their body was not moving and the tall wispy figure watching them let out a quiet sigh before emerging from the darkness of the shadows.

The long, bony fingers traced the outline of the man's jaw but he was still laying there unmoving, lazy limbs sprawled across the bench haphazardly like there was no care in the world.

As the tall figure kept tracing the gentle face a tiny speckle of blood was released from a mane of dark, curly hair. It trickled down the length of man's face and landed onto one of the long, bony fingers. It seemed almost shining as the tiny droplet stayed on the finger and glinted in the last of the sunlight.

Oh what have you gotten yourself into, my little worm?

The low, rumbly voice only echoed within the large bone skull of the bird. Stupid pigeon - kept singing through the entity's mind, as the memories of that time swirled around like those leaves that kept being tossed around. The wind was a picky thing to face on the best days but it felt like an underrated villain on the worst.

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