The Caswen Family Christmas Mess

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A/N: this is pt. 2 to 'Twas the Night Before Christmas at the Caswen's. Go read that one if u haven't.


Ricky and E.J fell asleep together with their son the previous night wearing matching Mickey Mouse Pajamas. Although, little Atlas had a hard time sleeping since he was read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas story by his auntie, whom E.J had yelled at the previous night. He wanted to try to be a big boy and sleep in his own bed last night but his dads were still worried about him. He attempted to do so for two hours until he had the same nightmare about Santa taking him back to his foster home causing him to wet his diaper and call for his daddies so that he could be with them the rest of the night. The good thing was that the toddler still remembered that the following morning was the day he was getting presents and would be spoiled like he was on adoption day. So he fell asleep after his daddies changed him and promised to be a good boy the rest of the night or morning.

"Dada, Papa. It's 'ristmas. Uppy now. Daddy uppy pwease." Atlas sat in his once again soaked diaper in between Ricky and E.J since they were protecting him from falling off of their bed.

E.J was the first on to hear the little boy's excitement and saw his son trying to wake up his husband with failed attempts. Not only was Ricky a heavy sleeper but he was also tired from staying up and thinking about the Todd situation that he couldn't prevent the other day.

Ricky had fallen asleep with his son and husband but didn't do so till 3:30 am several hours after he helped changed his son's diaper.

Ricky was exhausted to say the least and also stressed for the day's plans and Christmas dinner.

Meanwhile, E.J tried to kiss his husband to wake him up with no success. Ricky was dead asleep and little Atlas Bowen was excited to get new trains for his train track carpet in his bedroom.

"I think Dada needs some rest. He's exhausted from yesterday. Let's go take a bath and change into something nicer since your grandparents and my friends and family are coming over." E.J got out of bed and helped his son off of the bed who was already looking for the presents and could care less about Santa.

E.J carried his son to his room where the master bathroom was and where his bath toys were. There the two picked out a Christmas outfit. E.J gave his son the option to wear a red sweater and corduroy pants or a sweater that had Mickey mouse and a candy cane on it and sweats. The youngest Bowen choose to wear the mickey mouse outfit because it was his favorite character at the moment.

While E.J started a bath for his son and added some bubbles too to make sure he was comfortable and couldn't see his bruises, he sang a Christmas song and was careful while washing his son's hair. He wanted his son to look extra nice since his dad was coming over and Ricky's parents and step-parents plus a few of their friends who were in town like Jet, Maddox, Ashlyn, and a few others who were surprises for Ricky.

When little Atlas was finally dried off and wrapped in a blanket to dry off, he ran off out of the room butt naked toward the master bedroom. He was a smart toddler and knew that his daddies wouldn't let him open presents until they were both up so he wanted to see if Ricky was up, little did he know he was dripping water as he waddled back to his daddies room.

"Now, what are you doing without clothes Mr. Bowen? Did Papa let you run naked?" Ricky laughed and was still trying to wake up as his son ran into the room in just the towel and realized that the bed was too tall for him to reach.

"Dada uppy." The littlest Bowen sat on the Carpet in just the towel and waited for someone to come for him.

Ricky got out of bed immediately and picked up the three year old who was naked and carried him down the hallway to find his husband in his son's bedroom trying to find a matching pair of socks for him.

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