Master Morpher

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All characters and images go to their rightfull creators

The Morphin Grid has saw through many universes. Some has shown many great rangers rise to answer the call to fight to protect earth. Though in one Universe, has made the Morphin Grid worry.

Unlike what many rangers has uncover, the Morphin Grid has a certain sentience. That has allow it to make certain things happen. Like viewing through the universes.

Unlike in one Universe that the Morphin Grid is looking at now. The Earth in the universe has individuals, with powers called Quirks. Though it has caused the rise of pro heros who make money by being popular and have a flashy quirk.

Though the term hero, has lost its meaning only being associated with corporate delays and popularity. Money and fame are what concerns these heroes.

As well the Morphin Grid has sense a darkness, in the world that is slowly growing in power. So now the Morphin Grid is looking for a person who embodies what the power rangers stand for. It search through many of them. As soon is looking through one young man 15 years old who is walking home.

He is a American citizen named Y/n, who transfer to Japan with his dad due to his job. Sadly the young man lost his mom due to a villain attack. Though the Morphin Grid saw the young man's life and is shock how society has treated him due to being quirk less. But has never let it push him down long.

He never gives up, and doesn't let what everyone says about him, to bring him down. In one memory that was 3 years ago once the Morphin Grid saw in his mind, how he stood between a guy who was trying to force himself upon the girl.

Even though Y/n was beaten, he never gave up and kept on fighting and in the end won the fight. But fell unconscious due to the amount of damage he suffered in the fight.

The girl quickly came to his aid. As she began to call the authorities, but she began to try her best to administer first aid.

Once he was picked up by medics, and he was healing. He saw his father looking worried and was thankful that it wasn't anything serious. Though soon three people enter his room. The same girl who he helped has periwinkle hair and bluish lavender eyes. As well notice she was a year older than him.

The other two where her parents who were extremely thankful, that he saved their daughter Seiko from the man. As well his father felt pride that his son did the right thing.

Over time, he and Seiko soon became friends and soon they held a deep bond over time. As she never judge him for being quirk less, and stood by him. She was inspired by his good heart and courage, to become a great hero that helps others like him.

But for Y/n he never felt like a hero. He just did it, because it was the right thing to do. Still he was happy to have a true friend like Seiko.

The Morphin Grid knew that Y/n has the heart and spirit of a true hero and Ranger. Soon it's choice was made clear, as the Grid began to create a Master Morpher similar to one a great Ranger once used. Filling it with all the history and the ability to morph to any ranger the user chose but made a few safety measures as well.

There was also one more feature. The Master Morpher will choose those who are worthy, to make a new ranger team to carry on the legacy of those who came before them. Now that it was done, the Morphin Grid made a portal to the other universe and sent the Master Morpher through it. Making sure it would land to Y/n, as the world needed the Power Rangers to fight the darkness that is approaching the world.

With Y/n

It was a long day of school and Y/n was heading home. Since it was the day they decided where they want to go to high school. Every one wanted to be a hero especially Bakugo.

Y/n: I swear that guy has a Superiority complex. He thinks that since his quirk will make him a great hero. Probably everyone who praises him for it. Has filled his mind with that. Still it isn't the power that makes one a hero it's their heart.

He knows of this since he saw a old comic of a hero. Who was a wimp but was chosen to become a super soldier. For he wasn't the strongest or fastest but for his heart. As well he is always ready to get back up no matter what to keep on fighting for those who can't. That is what a true hero is about.

Someone who knows the value of strength but,uses it to defend those who don't have it. To fight and protect without being compensated just for it was the right thing to do. As well their heart is noble and just.

Still in the world he is living on now. Not many show that they are that type of hero. Very few do it just to help others.

Either way once he shook his though out. And continue walking. He saw something bright glow right in front of him. As the glow died down he saw a small device gold with black design with red around and green in the center.

 As the glow died down he saw a small device gold with black design with red around and green in the center

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Y/n: What the.... What is it?

As he began to get closer to it. The device started to float itself towards him. For the device once it was in his hands. It began to blink green as a figure appeared in green light.

The being that shown it's a man with a green shirt with jeans and black boots with a cool hair cut.

Tommy: Greetings Ranger, I'm Tommy Oliver.

Y/n: Ranger?

A/n: Hey everyone, I wanted to make this story to honor Jason David Frank who sadly passed away. Which broke my heart, since he was a personal hero for me. I hope I do right by him for his legacy and you guys. He will always be a Ranger for all time. May the Power protect him in his next Journey.

It's time for these pro heroes to be reminded what a real hero it.

Once a Ranger, always a Ranger

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