A new Ranger is born

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Y/n: Ranger?

Tommy: Listen, I know it's a bit much to take in Y/n.

Y/n: How do you know my name?

Tommy: The Morphin Grid gave me the info.

Y/n just gave him, a confuse look as he was trying to figure out what's going on.

Tommy: It's alright to be confuse it's a natural reaction. I promise, I'll give you all the answers you need.

Y/n: Okay, so what is a Power Ranger?

Tommy then began to explain that a Power ranger is a hero who was chosen to protect the world from a number of threats. As well explain the history of the ranger teams and how they were formed. How these rangers teams are unique and then explained the Morphin Grid. The source of the rangers powers. How the multiverse energy was able to be acces to the rangers by their Morphers. As well hearing about the Story of Tommy Oliver how he was once the greatest ranger to ever live. He saw his journey from being used by evil to fight the good fight.

As well how he, became a great mentor to other ranger teams, and his martial arts impressed him. How he fought one of the monsters without his ranger powers.

Once the history of the rangers was done,Y/n was surprised, how these rangers were like regular people like him. But we're chosen to become heroes due to their heart and spirit. Still it was a lot to take in as he was wondering should he become a hero. Since it wasn't that high on his list of what he wanted to be. Either way he needs time to think about it. But why did the Master Morpher choose him.

Y/n: Tommy, why was I chosen?

Tommy: Y/n you demonstrate, that you have the qualities of a hero and the heart of a ranger. You fought to protect Seiko from that man against tough odds. Never gave up and kept getting back up. Your heart is noble and just,your spirit is unbreakable. That is why you were chosen Y/n.

Y/n: Can I have, a bit of time to think it over?This is a lot to take in.

Tommy: Understandable. Take the time you need. But remember Y/n, there is a reason the Morphin Grid and Master Morpher choose you only.

He nodded as me put the Morpher in his pocket and continue walking as he wonder what should he do. It was his chance to be a hero but, would he want to be one. Probably not, but to be a power ranger meant something more.

Then he heard his phone ring. He took it out and smile to see Seiko's number appear. He answered it and said.

Y/n: Hello, Seiko how was your day?

Seiko: Just a boring last day fo my first year in Seiai Academy. What about you?

Y/n: Same just wondering where should I go to high school.

Seiko: Well you could try to go to Seiai Academy. Nearly all the hero schools got rid of the rule that Quirk less can't enter the exams.

Y/n: To be truthful Seiko. I'm not sure that I want to go to a hero school.

Seiko: Y/n, I understand why you might be hesitant about doing it. But, I know you have what it takes to make it. Remember, when you saved me those three years ago.

Y/n: I do. But what does have to do with it?

Seiko: Everything, that day was when I lost hope of a hero saving me. I though I wouldn't be able to see my family again. But you came and fought against a man with mutant quirk. No matter how many times you went down. You still got back up and fought on. Until you done what many couldn't think possible. You won and seeing you like that, gave me hope and showed me what a real hero is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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