tears fallen for Nature's Mother []

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sometimes, you feel heard. you feel happy, and warm, like Lady Sun is embracing you with a hug, as Lady Moon sings you a lullaby, the Starlets bring your snacks and brush your hair.

but not always.

other times you must be quiet. you feel sad and cold, because they are mad. Lady Sun's lovely embrace burns you to the very core, and Lady Moon's song has turned harsh and discordant. the Starlets wrap their small, should-be-cheery selves around your neck, slowly applying pressure. you want to ask the world for help. ask for the Rain to soothe your enflamed soul, for the Clouds to blind them to make way for your escape. you ask for the Wind to pull away the Starlets, and for the Water to whisk away Lady Moon. but you may not.

Lady Moon is not hurting you. she is merely singing. are you truly this weak?

Lady Sun is trying to help you. she is holding you close, like a child of her own. are you truly this ungrateful?

The Starlets are not "strangling" you. you can still breathe, can't you? are you really going to make this out to be worse than it is?

so you may only beg for Nature's Mother to forgive you, although no wrongdoing was committed. she convinces you of your sinful acts, yet there was no harm caused, no inconvenience brought about.

you have no choice. all you can do is let it go. cry to Lady Sun, sob to Lady Moon, wail to the Starlets. scream to the Rain, yell to the Clouds, bawl to the Wind, and bellow to the Water.

shed your tears to Nature's Mother.

thoughts I had that someone needed to hearWhere stories live. Discover now