[10] Bang my head on a wall so it'll shut up

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[the title chapter is something that I am feeling right now...leave comments and likes]

[I was planning to have their point of view in the last chapter but that will make the story more complicated so... yeah enjoy!]

"What am I?"I asked my father at the age of five. It was the first time I met my father and the first words I ever spoke.

"An agriche"


"I don't think, you should wear that," the maid said when I dressed my opposite sex.

"Why?" Was that the limit to the family?

"...." guess it was not.

Would the family really draw a line when it comes to the way of dressing no, no way in hell would they draw a line when their child wore dresses and suits, When the whole family is all criminals, worst of the worst, but it doesn't mean that being nonbinary is bad, it's just that they are more understanding of something new and open to new things and are less judgmental, especially at this time.

Children are curious beings, and at a certain age, they question their existence. Y/n just happened to question it at a very young age and took action on it.

"Give me the knife" they got their hands on a dead body.

Cut the stomach and study the inside of it. No one stopped their work so they kept going and going as there were no limits to this house as it seemed.

Sanity: 50%


"Your fucking insane!" This project had a mouth.

He was missing some fingers and was barely alive from the bleeding.

"What's that?" the little child asked.

"Huh? what- are you serious??? It's Someone fucking crazy and inhuman!"

"Is that how the outside world thinks?"

The man screamed how insane they were explaining that in the outside world it's not like that, he told what the limits of the outside world were, at one point the man cried about his wife and child. Y/n kept him for weeks and the man tried to get out, begged even.

Then it happened, the man said his sorry to them and began to open up to Y/n. the man's name was Max, and Y/n began to treat him better as he got closer to the man like a "father" Max said, that he sometimes sees them as his own child from home as Y/n. Max had brown hair and green eyes and told him stories about his life.

Sanity: 60%


Y/n was outside for once, someone walked toward him.

"Ah, Y/n hello!" The boy was older than Y/n by a few years and taller. He had gold-like hair and bright blue eyes.

"I'm Ashil, your half-brother" He greeted Y/n putting his hand to the smaller one to shake which they did after a long pause.

"Hi..." They went back to holding onto their book.

"Would you like to play with me and my little sister Roxana?" that was the first time they were asked to do anything with their siblings, They always tried to get Dion's attention but he is always out hunting with his father and mother is always busy with grown-ups things and tea parties, rest of siblings are on to there own stuff so They are mostly just by themselves or with their "pets."

"Sure" Ashil guided Them into a garden that was much more beautiful than there was. They should tell their gardener to make it better even if they don't go out much.

"Ana!" the older brother sneaked up to Ana hugging her from behind.

"I told you to stop doing that! Put me down!" Ashil did some spines before letting her go.

"I got a new friend! It's Y/n" Ashil petted them, making them freeze.

Roxana looked at them red eyes widened, but that changed fast.

"Hello, I am Roxana" she bowed.

"Y/n, your half-sibling" Y/n tried to not make eye contact, but still did because the ruby eye color was pretty, and it looked like Dion's and father's.

"How about we make flower crowns?" Ashil smiled to which they both agreed with Y/n not knowing what that was but going with it.

Roxana's was made of roses and Ashil's favorite pink flowers, Y/n did not know what to do so Ashil guided their hands of making it. Y/n face was a little pink from the embarrassment of not knowing what to do.

"Thank you" Y/n looked down at their flower crown feeling their mouth shape move up with a nervous smile, Roxana stared at them while Ashil ruffled their hair.

The trio got close day by day, month by month almost a year before it happened.


Ashil was helping them, their mental health was getting much better and they felt happy. Ashil became their beacon of light in the cold, dark world, they felt their face change more, in so many expressions. They wanted to explore more things about the mental health work they were working and Ashil was helping them without knowing. But my work understanding of healthy Mental health stopped after that night.

Sanity: 70%


Does Ashil like chocolate or strawberry? Maybe a mixed flavor of both, what if he gets a toothache? Roxana got one after she ate that expensive strawberry cake that Aunty made....

Walking the long halls, a person seems to be walking from Aunties-

It was Dion covered in blood.

"Why were you coming from Achille's home?" Was this what fear felt like? Surely Dion did not...

"...Because I killed him" Deon replied emotionlessly, saying it so dully like it did not even matter.

There was a click in their mind.

Ashil was dead, gone, I'm never going to see him again, I won't be able to give him the sweets that I was going to make, he won't ever pet me again, he won't praise me, this can't be happening- I won't ever thank him, thank him for everything, He's dead.

The emotions and the understanding fell on the little one.

"What- what are you talking about-!'' tears were forming and were already falling, they tried to look confused and angry but that failed."Y- you, Why- he can't be dead..!" tears fell and sobs, they began to cover their face with their hands.

They won't show this to Dion, that monster. The older brother that they used to think highly of-

Deon walked to them, grabbed their rests, and took them away from their face, staring at them, their violet eyes were now filled with tears, and emotions unlike how they usually look made Deon smile, such a manic he is....why the fuck are you smiling of?

"This is his blood" Dion teased them, as he put his bloody hands on their cheeks, somehow they cried more, the life in their eyes looked like it was dying.

The look of Dion horrified them, it was monstrous, and they felt their stomach twist.

They trembled like sick puppies as their eyes closed passing out in Deon's arms.

Sanity: 40%

Y/n Agriche (htpflob x NB! reader)Where stories live. Discover now