Awkward Moments

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 I woke up in bed, the covered tucked around me. I throw them off and walked to the area where Elsa's many mirrors where along with her couch, I looked out the flap to discover that the sun was slowly setting on Jupiter. Walking out of the flap I discovered some of the girls sitting at the carousel, Bette and Dot looked up at me and motioned me to come over, as I quickly walked over.

"Whats up?" Bette asked

"Nothing, did you guys eat yet?"

"Yea Toulouse made some stew."Dot said, she sounded happier than normal

"Oh well have any of you seen Jimmy? I haven't seen him since last night."

"Well he carried ya to bed and then disappeared into the woods." Penny answered, "Paul and Eve went after him."

"Well I'll go whip 'em up something, if any of you would like to help?"

"Yea!" they replied

 For the next hour I showed Bette, Dot and Penny how to make some form of chicken salad, when Bette and Dot finished plating the sandwiches the three walked out of the woods, smiling and laughing until Jimmy saw me standing there watching. He clapped the arms of his two friends and hurried towards his trailer. As he slammed the door I was drawn back to reality, "Lissa... Lissa!" Paul shouted, waving a hand in my face.


"He misses ya." Paul whispered, "Said he wished he hadn't treated ya so awful."

"Well he can tell me himself if he is so sorry." I snapped, quickly apologizing.

"It's ok, but whatever happened between you two, you gotta fix it."Paul said

"Not tonight..." I started to say before Eve cut me off

"You wanna know what he told us in those woods. He said that he missed holding you close, was glad he was able to carry you in when you were sleeping, made him feel whole again. He also said you snuggled into him when he carried ya, and he watched you curl up in a ball after tucking you in, and it broke his heart to have to leave and not curl up with you. Lissa you need to go fix this tonight."

"Ok ok... I'll try."

 She placed a sandwich in my hand and started pushing me towards his door. When she finally stopped I was right outside the door, she knocked quickly and ran to the side, getting out of sight just as Jimmy opened the door.

"What do ya——- oh Lecia... I mean Alicia." He said stumbling over his words.

"Jimmy, I figured you might want a sandwich?"

"Oh yea, thanks." he said awkwardly, reaching out for it.

"Can I come in?" I asked

"Yea, I guess." He held the door open for me, as I entered the trailer.

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