This is where I belong

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 I sat on his bed and watched as he placed a wooden hand on his neck, rubbing it back and forth. He looked at the ground when he spoke, "So you're the new boss, huh?"

"Yea I guess I am." I whispered

"Well ya want a drink to celebrate?"

"Well I would love to have a cup of coffee and just talk on the floor like we used to." I answered as he started towards the coffee maker.

 In 15 minutes he had two cups of coffee on the floor between the two of us as we sat there staring at the wall. Finally I broke the silence, "So how do you like the new hands?"

"They work, at least I can help with the show now."

"Why did you decide against the normal hands?"

"Because I was born into a culture that will one day rule the world, and I would much rather be the outcast then in a group of judgmental assholes."

 I sat in silence for a moment until Jimmy whispered, "I love you."

 I looked over at him to find his chocolate eyes looking back at me, I could feel the walls of my heart start to crumble under his three simple words. He then opened his mouth again, "Everything I said that night I didn't mean, when you left I realized how much I really lost after that, I had lost my light. You meant so much to me, and I let the frustration of everything that was going on in my life push you away, because a handless freak didn't deserve an angel like you. Even now with my wooden hands I don't deserve you, I never have..." I pressed my lips into his, pulling away a few seconds later.

"Shut up Darling, I chose you and only you." I whispered leaning my forehead on his.

"So do you forgive me?"

"Of course Darling, now think we should go rejoin the party?" I smiled ear to ear as he helped me up and led me out of his trailer, hand in hand.

"So I see you fixed it." Eve whispered in my ear when we made our way to the group standing at the carousel.

 When we reached them he laced his arms around my waist, moving me from his side to this front. I just could smile at Eve and then looked out of the corner of my eye to see the ghostly similar Ethel Darling smile.  

"Lissa!" Bette shouted, pulling me back to the conversation.

"Oh sorry Bette." I quickly apologized, feeling Jimmy chuckle against my back.

"We were just discussing the show tomorrow, we were wondering if you would like to start the show with a song Elsa loved."

"You mean the rocket song?"

"The very same." Dot replied, I could see the jealousy in her eyes but I didn't care, I had the prize and I was going to run with it.

"I'll pick your outfit out." Jimmy whispered

"If it was up to you Jimmy she would be on the rocket naked." Paul joked

"I was actually thinking of wearing her sky blue suit, I found it in the box of leftover costumes, I can modify it tonight."

"Ok, you better start now then if you want to get any sleep." Penny said, pulling me from Jimmy's arms and racing towards the tent.

 A few hours later I was sitting on the bed, hemming the pants when a voice came through the flap, "Ya almost done?"

"If I was, I wouldn't be hemming the pant legs."

"Well Toulouse was severing some left over cake, so I figured I would bring ya a slice."

"Well if I eat it I might not fit the pants."

"Fine I'll eat yours and mine."

 I felt the bed move under me as his body flopped on my bed. Soon I heard him softly snoring next to me, I laughed slightly to myself, knowing this is what I wanted for the rest of my life. I throw the finished pants onto the chair that was also holding the tailored suit jacket. I walked to his trailer and grabbed his white tee shirt for myself and a pair of his jeans, button down shirt and his vest. I laid his clothes on the chair by his side and throw his shirt on and curled into the bed next to him, where I felt I belonged.   

Never lose your Light (A Jimmy Darling Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now