chapter 36 • he was probably the sweetest boy in the entire world

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vance smiled.

"i really appreciate this, guys." he looked around at all the decorations.

"that's the first time i've heard that." robin realized, with a grin.

"fuck you. i'm never saying that again." vance returned to his usual glare.

"happy birthday!" gwen pushed the wooden gate open.

finney held up a present, walking over to us with a smile.

"hi." he greeted everyone, placing a box onto the table. "happy birthday."

"thanks." vance nodded, gratefully.

"hi, finney." i waved him over to me.

a bunch of gifts covered the table.

eveyrbody had arrived, it was just up to vance to decide what he wanted to do first.

he had no idea.

music was playing softly through the speakers. it'd get louder as the evening progressed, but right now, it was just him and his friends.

"happy birthday, vance." i set a present down onto the table.

"thank you." vance repeated.

"you're 16 now. god damn, you're old as hell."

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now