Same Scent - ✾ 1 ✾

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A smile beamed on the pretty boy's face as the tiny white flower got handed to him.

He brought the flower close to his nose, to smell the sweet faint scent.

"The flower is totally devoid of any fragrance, why do you even try to smell it" The girl beside him scoffed as she saw the boy pay no heed to her words and kept basking in that faint fragrance.

"What do you mean? There is a light fragrance, smell it" Beomgyu brought the flower close to Hyerim's nose but the latter immediately swatted the flower away from her face.

"Why should I smell it? Just a tiny flower with little to no scent. It's pointless to me" Hyerim huffed and looked the other way.

Beomgyu sighed.

"Here we go again with your 'this is pointless' talks. This is not just a tiny scentless flower, it's more than that" Beomgyu pouts in disappointment as he twirls the flower.

"Whatever" Hyerim stood up and started to walk her way out of the park, Beomgyu following behind.

"I never understand you Rim-ah. Everything you see is pointless to you" Beomgyu complains while strolling behind Hyerim, admiring the beauty of the garden.

"Because everything will perish one day, no matter its value or beauty. It's better deem them as useless, rather than to get attracted to and then later get hurt on loosing them" Hyerim blows out her hot breath to move her bangs out of her face.

Attraction is painful, because after that comes the eventual pain of loss and parting.

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