White Canvas - ✾ 2 ✾

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"I have been always curious..."

Hyerim muttered under her breath.

Luckily for Beomgyu, the place they sat close to each other in a quiet place.

"Aw did our Hyerim finally take an interest on something?" The pretty boy cooed and earned a slap on his arm.

"It's a question I have been always curious about"

"Oh really? What's it? Oh is it about me?"

Hyerim nodded.

"Why...you...like... obsessed with white dahlias so much? You like fragnant and vibrant things...and..."

"They don't look that interesting, as per my preferences, am I right?"

"Yeah" Hyerim titled her head while wearing a blank look on her face, recieving a sweet smile from Beomgyu.

"Hyerim-ah, it is true that I like vibrant and fragrant things the most, flashy things that attract the eyes the most. Sophisticated things that keep up my curiosity. To the contrast of choosing simple white dahlias as my favourite flower. Why? It's not a false fact that I don't like simplicity or something plain, that mostly goes unnoticed. Then why white dahlias? Well you can say they have some sort of uniqueness?"

Beomgyu let out small chucked, while the cat eyes stared at him confusion.

"You are not making any sense, are you?"

"Infact I am not really. Right now I really can't come up with a clear reason why I got attracted to one of the simplest flowers in first place. One plausible reason I can give you that they grounds me"

"Ground you?"

"Yes. Since we are so focused on the big and flashy picture these days that we forget to see the small simple things that can give you the greatest joy. It just reminds of the small things that exist in our world, that beautify our surroundings"

Hyerim didn't say anything, as she just stared on the ground.

"Hyerim-ah, do you know the symbolism of white dahlia?"
Not expecting an answer, Beomgyu continued.

"White dahlia symbolise innocence, purity and new birth. Such a beautiful meaning right?"

"White dahlia's are like blank canvases to me. But always it feels like they have story to tell underneath. And maybe a story that just begun, to be continued and finished"

"Every morning with a while dahlia feels like new birth of me. A new start, a new beginning. A blank canvas, ready to be painted. Maybe a white sheet of paper with some words scribbled to start a story and which ends as the day ends. And then again a new day"

"A sense of purity and innocence, at start of a story, curious on what the roads will lead it to"

"And these are what I feel from my core"

Beomgyu finished his explanation and once again finding himself admiring the beauty of the school garden.

A comfortable silence they share, after a conversation, mostly one-sided from Beomgyu, comes into an end.


White dahlia.

It sounds something blank to me. Like it's void of its colours.

Beomgyu-ah, what if I tell you I am stuck with a blank canvas since forever? With all colours getting sucked out, leaving an empty void?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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